
I have commited the Num-Code for ™ to muscle memory.

Other interests include bicycles, bread making and DIY. I do own a 3D-printer and adore the Nintendo 3ds.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2024


  • Next to nothing? Let’s see:

    • Wasn’t/isn’t there a civil war/coup that broke out like 2-3 years ago?
    • 15 years ago there were problems with radical Buddhist groups going after Muslims.
    • Age of empires 2 gave them Arambai as their unique unit, I think their unique techs were something forgettable with elephants and Manipur Cavalry, which increased attack boni of cavalry against buildings
    • In EU4, that area is divided between Ava, it’s Tributaries, and Pegu. I think modern Myanmar sees itself as the successor of one Ava tributary, that broke of and conquered/united the region. Was in Hsinpaw? (I was thinking of Taungu)

  • Does it count if I only read summaries of both works, not the works itself?

    “A true story” is a parody on the “travelogue” that were popular in ancient Greece, like Homer’s Odyssey and Illiad. 800 years later, they had a resurgence in the Roman Empire, like when Virgil wrote the Aeneid. Still 200 years later, A True Story was written by Lucian.

    In the preface, Lucian complains that the genre was ruined by authors making up unbelievable tales to trick their dumb readership. So he thinks it better to just admit that all he says is a lie.

    The story goes on how Lucian then set sail across the Atlantic, got caught in a storm so terrible it blew him to outer space, and meet the all-male civilisation that lives on the moon, who carry their children through the calf of their leg.

    Lucian and his crew return to Earth, get swallowed by a whale, explore the Islands of the blessed, see the Sinners being punished (the ones who lied in their stories being punished the hardest) and reach a distant continent. Lucian says what happened there will be shared in the sequel, which a comment describes as the biggest lie of all.