I play on pc so aim assist isn’t really something I encounter a lot outside obvious cheaters, but aim assist in general isn’t something that should exists outside of singleplayer imo.
I play on pc so aim assist isn’t really something I encounter a lot outside obvious cheaters, but aim assist in general isn’t something that should exists outside of singleplayer imo.
Which is quite easy to remove luckily, shit really starts to become annoying when trying to light a fire with slightly damp wood. (Or having to relight a shitty joint every few hits)
Idk what BF you’ve last played but BF1, BFV and 2042 have crazy accurate DMRs that are piss easy to use even at sniper ranges.
Also no need for aim assist to control the smgs with how little recoil they have anyways, with a bit of practice you’ll hit most of your mag at 60m+
The drop drones themselves seem to have gotten bigger as well as their munitions. Moving away from modified commercial platforms to purpose made ones probably made strapping bigger explosives to them easier and more common.
Idk my sample size of 2 might be small but both are actually quite decent.
Not to discredit their work, but it’s basically a rugged drone with an antipersonnel munition strapped to its belly, most likely already made with Chinese PCBs and motors.
The drone part is something that already existed and I’m sure the Chinese have some kind of antipersonnel airburst munition already as well.
Pandora’s Box on drone warfare was opened a long time before the current invasion, although we haven’t yet seen the bottom of it.
Still think it’s a bit different, steam is essentially a store so I’m expecting to see a promotional banner when I walk in. Windows is a “paid” product that shows you more ads on something you already “own”.
Damn, only time I accomplished this was when i lost and found it multiple times. Bit like bic lighters
Looks like you’re meant to dismount and use the saddle as an armrest
Cable is pretty much invisible to the naked eye beyond a few meters, imagine a hair made from glass. Might be able to track it on foot by running it through your hands but that doesn’t sound fun or safe for it’s 40km range.
Definitely not something another fpv drone will be able to spot and follow.
Eh I tried it but it’s rather shit imo: sbmm rampant, guns have 0 recoil and smgs are effective on full auto till 200m, vehicles feel like plastic toys and accelerate way too quickly.
Better off replaying the older bf games.
Yes you’ll cope better with technology you grew up with, but technology is also an exponential cure. For about 5500 years a guy on a horse was the fastest messaging system, then we went from beeps through a cable to video calls within 200 years.
Ah here zooted would be similar to baked/stoned.
You can also make way longer strides if you have 2 of them, even less chances to set one off.
Would zooted even work in that case? Don’t usually see it used for uppers
Remember kids, gravity only kicks in once you look down.
I’ve been streaming torrents trough stremio with as little as 5 seeds just fine. So most likely yeah
The glass will break after a while from the heat if you just let it stand there.
Pike is hitscan, as is any actual gun except the ks and sniper.
But i don’t think just showing ping will fix anything within the finals with how shit the servers have become over the last updates.
While I understand it’s impractical I hope they have our sick paint scheme on them. Let them know it was us.