Bush was and his DUI conviction counts as a felony.
Bush was and his DUI conviction counts as a felony.
Aren’t signal messages dependant on the same password “key” being used to decrypt the messages.
I’m still new to signal and still playing
Your Ttime line and story’s main topic are off
Which base? Thule
There are danish police up there and customs too. He whole community exists because of the base. The base is also an environmental mess so if the states were kicked out they would be able to wash their hands of it.
Refuse them visa entry and especially denied their security detail any weapons
They’ll leave
I never saw this story because of all the shit news coming out of the states everyday.
It’s just another day in a America
Sniff sniff… I can smell a pardon coming for a great American being oppressed my the woke media
Stop attacking it wink wink nod nod
I think you have your head on backwards or you’re a troll
Why isn’t it their fault for going towards a dangerous hostile place and seeking out situations that will lead to abuse.
I don’t head over to war zones. I stay where it’s safe and don’t wonder off that path.
When I travel I follow the rules for each country I visit. I don’t try to enter illegally and then accuse them of something.
Still burn them.
Belarus is beating them and raping them
How’s this europes fault
Ya read the article and get a better picture of what’s going on
So this is the part Trump attacked last term to protect Boeing. The Bombardier that afterwards sold a chunk of its self to Airbus
Oh Fuck bombardier
A few years back when the Canadian dollar was higher than the US they refused to lower their Canadian prices. So people started crossing the boarder to buy on in the US. Bombardier told the dealerships in the US they would lose their dealership license if they sold one to a Canadian crossing boarder.
Around that time they also received a large government grant. Free cash and they still wanted to fuck Canada.
Very apt, very specific to American history and very over most Americans heads
Canada India UK
This is old but Kingston used to have a line of memory sticks that they certified to be clean. They would walk the parts through the supply chain and verify each stage was malware free. They cost in the area of $400 each around 2010.
Millions of voters full of hate towards one party