I don’t think labor organizers are in possession of Chinese drone footage and radio equipment.
Anyone with a Temu account can be in possession of it.
I don’t think labor organizers are in possession of Chinese drone footage and radio equipment.
Anyone with a Temu account can be in possession of it.
Why would you think that’s their job?
§3331. Oath of office
An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
I mean, you can dismiss it as pageantry and fluff. But every appointee has it in their job description as a matter of law per Title 5 Civil Service Functions and Responsibilities statute.
The keys have always been in the hands of fascists.
The Reagan/Bush Era was plenty reactionary. The Carter/Nixon era wasn’t anything to brag about, either. FFS, the Eisenhower government had a healthy assortment of literal ex-Nazis scattered through it. The ugly specters of J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, Henry Ford, and Prescott Bush have haunted our country for longer than any of us have been alive.
Trumpism is the dead fish rot finally reaching the noses of the white working class (and even then, just barely). Americans are looking on in horror at the prospect of the government treating everyone like we’ve been treated Black People and Native Americans for the last century.
Frustrating that we don’t have a popular vocabulary equipped to express casual disdain without echoing implicit bigotry. Perhaps this administration will give us an opportunity to formulate some new slurs appropriate to the people in charge of it.
This is the line that the American Senatorial Leadership wants to draw. You can take money from the Qatars until your pockets burst. You can hold really perverse anti-American views on a caste system and work to enshrine them in public law. You can play footsie with the fascist Modi regime in India, the mafia-style business cartels in S. Korea, Indonesia, and the Phillipines, and the Russian oligarchy.
But to suggest that a Bush 43 Era massive domestic spying operation violated the 4th amendment?
Get thee behind me, Satan!
UK: “Thatcher’s grave is the largest toilet in Europe”
France: “Hold my Sauvignon blanc”
The FBI’s core values, including integrity, compassion, fairness, and allegiance to the Constitution - and oh, yeah, diversity, are being painted over at the FBI Academy. Source: NYT.
Old assholes die.
New assholes are born.
But I’ve never seen a year when they stopped being in charge.
Union organizing has ticked up but overall membership is still falling.
Costco only recently has had to deal with string of labor actions
Costco is looking at the enormous shortfall in human labor, flipping open its Econ 101 textbook, and deciding “High demand? Low supply? Price must go up.”
That’s not “fighting fascism” just running a business intelligently. I’ve heard similar stories from HEB, from my local auto repair guy, and from a few neighboring restaurants. Businesses are struggling to keep staffed so income pressure is rising.
The Philippines has a habit of targeting anyone who investigates and reports on the attrotious labor practices on the island, then calling them spies or insurgents to justify arrest, torture, and assassination.
Hundreds of Filipino workers are stranded at a remote U.S. military base on an Indian Ocean island due to a minimum wage dispute, according to investigations by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and The Washington Post.
Some workers for Kellogg Brown & Root have not left the island, Diego Garcia, for more than three years as Philippine officials told the major American contractor that it must raise employee pay to meet the U.S. federal minimum wage rate in 2020.
Workers told Trafficking Inc. reporting partners that they fear losing their jobs if they head home before the wage dispute is resolved. Furthermore, the Philippine government alleges that KBR has canceled regular charter flights from the base to the Philippines since the start of this year as a form of “emotional blackmail.”
Congressman Dick Cheney had significantly more clout than anyone in the California delegation.
There’s a reason Harris doesn’t the last weeks of her campaign with Liz Cheney rather than Christine Pelosi.
there’s way more wealth to be gained by encouraging competition
But governors aren’t in it for simple numerical wealth. They’re in it for power.
That stupid idiotic moronic idealism cost them
Nader pulled from D and R voters in equal measure. That’s not why Gore lost. Miami-Dade county was deliberately obstructed from completing its vote counting by Republican campaign staff
Both Roger Stone and Brad Blakeman take credit for managing the riot from a command post, although their accounts contradict each other. Republican New York Representative John E. Sweeney gave the signal that started the riot, telling an aide to “shut it down”.
Blaming Nader for a judicial coup is asinine. Dems pivoting hard right as a result - by embracing Iraq Warmongering, financial deregulation, and rapid expansion of domestic O&G production - did significantly more damage to the party than Nader’s protest votes.
Can you imagine how angry the R machinery would have gotten if the roles were reversed
You hardly have to imagine. Just ask Republicans how they felt about the Perot voters in '92, when Clinton swept the EC with 43% of the total vote.
The Dem base has been fully bought out by corporate interests. They are “controlled opposition” in every sense. A vestigial remnant of their 1940s peak that mostly exists to rein in the excesses of the prior conservative leadership (although, one could argue even FDR ultimately filled that role).
(Gore had majority in Florida in the end, did you hear CNN reporting about it?)
The degree to which Florida has been fumbled by Dems for the last 30 years cannot be overstated.
What does a panda have in common with your ex-boyfriend?
I invite one over and he eats shoots and leaves.
I bought all the equipment right from a Chinese seller for Tether
Had me right up until the end. Cryptobros literally do not understand how to do normal banking.
If you’ve got the time and the energy and the stomach to handle birthing and raising live goats, it is very profitable… for the person who got a large low-interest loan to set up the farm. Significantly less so for the people doing the actual agricultural labor.
Now I just need to find a pod to live in.
They’re not the ones in the White House flipping switches