Time to set sail
Time to set sail
Most of us went through a phase where we ironically liked gulag memes before we actually liked them. They are just stuck there
They have always been fascist. It is just getting harder to hide
That all does describe America pretty well though
I have liked some of Rogan’s work. I even wrote him in for president one time. Buddy, get a little perspective though.
No, it is true. US tried to stir up some trouble and it didn’t work. That is import to remember the people that dies because of US greed
So because this is an opturinty to make.money it will pass. Here in America we live by capitlaism. It doesn’t matter if the idea is good or bad, just if someone will make money off of it. Since people can make money off this one it will end up passing. The right senators will be bribed and all our lives will be worse
This is not the only kaiji movie. There was a Chinese one Animal World which was explicitly kaiji. That one had super sick fight scenes as well. The west is just waking up to the death game genere.
It is telling thst the Korean version of alienation under capitlaism is proving so popular.
Why do they? You’ve seen the video. Do they make any intresting points?
It is like comunism has a specific bias against rent seeking behavior and the system of lordship that still remains as a remnant fo the feudal order.
We should do reverse conialism where us anglo Americans get sent back to Brittany to claim “disorganized” land there. Just a few guns and I can claim a tescos for my own and start raising cattle there
That’s my parasocial understanding of it.
I wanna say something glib like he got infected with the woke mind virus but to my knowledge he just had a severe back injury related to a motor vehicle accident in his youth.
Nah, f1 can hit the bricks. A little put put engine that runs on a thimble of high test fuel but still feels like you are wrestling a cheetah is perfect. Picture one of those little beasts with a tiny electric motor several of your drunkest comrades. That is what Stalin fought for.
I want a dprk soccer jersey
Even if it were true, by any mathematical standard Germany had done way less genocide at the time so signing it was right. Bombing brittian was the only good things the nazis did.
Hopefully it was a small enough stroke that he doesn’t suffer long term damage. Also, hopefully it doesn’t send him into a spiral with his hypochondria. Absolutely wild he would have a stroke though. He is young enough, and I wouldn’t think in enough high risk categories that this is kinda wild.
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