Its fine for productivity if you have a good tiling window manager. I’ve been using tiling shell gnome extension on arch Linux and it’s great for managing placement of various windows.
Its fine for productivity if you have a good tiling window manager. I’ve been using tiling shell gnome extension on arch Linux and it’s great for managing placement of various windows.
I’ve also been posting less after managing to upset someone. We can have a club. The shy posters club.
Could you provide some examples please? This is the first time I’m aware that they have intentionally looked away.
Assuming you’re operating in good faith, just take the feedback and try to learn from it.
Actually no. Maybe include /s or something?
Or buying ads on his wife’s radio station as apparently was how you’d get in front of President Johnson.
Really sorry 😔
Why does he go into a coma?
Sure. Shame is one of the basic emotions. The emotions are firmware build into the mammalian brain to motivate survival and reproduction. They motivate without deliberate thought by inducing pleasure or pain which the organism either seeks more of or flinches away from. Fear is a flinching away from, whereas anger is a moving towards (with intent to destroy). Shame is a hard stop. it’s function, along with surprise, is to create a hard stop of ongoing behaviors. It is regarded as the most painful of the basic emotions.
The emotions arise from the brainstorm and midbrain/sub-cortical parts of the brain, the brain’s basement if you will. In contrast we also have the cortical part of the brain, living in the attic, and it does a different sort of processing, being the seat of language and symbolic processing.
The cortex is the part of the brain that can represent and model aspects of the world and then run “what-if” scenarios to determine what the best course of action might be. For instance, one might model what will people around me do if I express my feelings in a very loud and obvious way -> they won’t like it!, and from this anticipation they might instruct themselves to inhibit the extent of the emotional expression.
Executive Function refers to exactly that function of the cortex that enables behavioral inhibition to happen, and that is what is impaired in ADHD. People with executive dysfunction have difficulty inhibiting socially inappropriate behaviors like expressing too much emotion, and they also have trouble inhibiting or moderating the strength of the emotional expression in the first place. In a single sentence, ADHD folk are more prone to act on (emotional) impulse.
So when shame is triggered, due to a perception of personal failure or unworthiness, ADHD folk are less able to keep going and more prone to be paralyzed or derailed by the shame emotion itself.
A better name for the syndrome would be Executive Function Disorder. Executive Function is the term used to describe the ability to exercise agency and rational judgement when making decisions. Disorders of executive function leave a person having difficulty not responding impulsively. This affects attention; what I decide to pay attention to, and how long I hold my attention there, and it also affects emotional expression, how well I maintain an even keel and exercise control over how strongly my emotions become and how they influence my behavior. In ADHD people have difficulty deciding where their attention will go and also tend to be more emotionally labile. Shame sensitivity is frequently reported.
How about if they just ship chips that don’t shit the bed?
Interesting perspective on Epicticus, (Stoic philosopher) here seen as a selfish rich man’s philosopher, the dichotomy of control a way to calm someone upset because their entitlements are not arriving as they prefer.
Seriously! Theoden was bewitched by Wormtongue via Saruman / Sauron. Trump might be influenced but he was already his own Dark Lord.
Solid mid-90s song. Haven’t heard it in years but always liked it. Brings back memories.
The real question is, did you bake Saddam into that loaf or did you just shove him in there after it was baked and sliced?
Two spaces was taught in school typing classes. An artifact of mechanical typewriters I expect but that is why us olds do it that way.
This strikes a chord for sure. I’m pretty angry with the Democrats right now. They keep sending me Kamala fundraising emails and this seems completely tone-deaf. I do not want more of the same.