The censorship thing is solidly the US’s fault (sorry) and a very different conversation than what’s happening here. Though I’m sure it has it’s roots in backwards '40s orientalism at some point, we were really good at exporting that.
But like, from an outside person that interacts with japanese institutions in the ‘adult content’ sphere, they go way beyond what is mandated whenever anything international is involved. This article alone highlights how they won’t even say why they’re doing things, they’ll just vaguely blame it on nonspecific policy requirements and continue to restrict funds / obstruct shipping / deny visas / etc. It’s maddening to deal with.
Took a minute to find anything about the hardware, it’s running on two esp32 boards. So while neat, it’s not exactly powerful - potentially a good emulator platform for old handhelds, but they stress how much they plan to have unique titles and I can’t really imagine it catching on broadly with the hardware limitations they’ll have. Still though, its a super neat project.