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I try new foods.
Cooking however stresses me out. Having only 2 or 3 dishes as options to preprare calms that stress. Cause I know what to buy in what isle and how to prep.
I’ve always had broad shoulders and never fitted into business shirts / blazers n such. I had stuff tailored, but thats very expensive and still didnt sit nice. What I do now is buy loose, wide shirts and thight, high waist pants. Put the shirt in the pants to have it sit tight around my waist and have enough space for my shoulders to move around. I stay away from blazers, jackets and wear neat sweaters to the office in winters.
Hope this helps. Gg on the gym progess!
Personal politics, what age do they live in? Gender neutral has been the norm for quite some time. Females are welcome to exist, both as users and as developers.
Sounds very american to me. Its very normal here to at least try take care of the less fortunate.
This. I have a noise canceling headset I wear a lot. You can still hear, just takes off the sharp edge in a really nice way. I have the sony wh-1000xm3 and it’s very comfortable to me. You can turn noise canceling off if you want to hear more.
Get a cool project to build. I do advent of code (it’s a tough one though, so don’t expect to get very far. The first few days are easiest.)
Another project I build that I liked was: Build a green window with a grey square (Bunny in a field) Make the square move around randomly Make dark green squares (plants) If the bunny comes within x distance of a plant it goes there to eat it.
Then I started complicating things with generating random ponds the bunnies couldn’t cross. Creating a fox that ate the bunnies. Bunnies procreate. Etc.
I liked that project and I learned a lot while building it.
Same. Oatmeal with fruit, same reason. Plus I use frozen fruit, so it’s easy to stock up on.
Tnx for sharing. This made me happy :)
Gimme the money, I’m counting down the years I dont want any extra xD
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That deeply sucks. I used to have that and luckily got rid of those people in my life and found a cool LGBTQ+ gaming community that I’m now part of.
Hope you’ll be free too at some point.
People around me are getting pregnant and I think babies are horrible and gross. These are family and friends however and they have baby showers and start taking their babies with them.
I dont know what to do or how to behave when there’s a baby. Especially since people are generally overjoyed and think the babies are cute and I’m just standing there being disgusted by not just the baby, but the whole pregnancy.
I don’t know how to behave. That’s whats bothering me right now.
I reccon you dont leave it on the body after completing the murder
True. They exhaust all other efforts before putting you in. It’s super expensive and its a lot healthier to be home if you can
Same. And if he’s good at giving head. Humor and giving head.
Its amazing that there even is a conversation about this. Such an officer would be instantly fired here.
The moment you realise America has become the worlds Florida(man).
Same (*typo in prev comment)