My mother got put back on her disability benefits and now I’m hunting down apartments for us to live in to get out of a bad housing situation that we were stuck in because it was cheap and we only had one income.
Got two viewings this week.
My mother got put back on her disability benefits and now I’m hunting down apartments for us to live in to get out of a bad housing situation that we were stuck in because it was cheap and we only had one income.
Got two viewings this week.
Fata Morgana.
Listen, whether you like Visual Novels or not doesn’t matter. But Fata Morgana is just somehow…perfect. Everything is resolved and I don’t feel any need to complain about any aspect of it. It was an experience to play a game that left me with no questions afterwards. It was just a really good story.
I love visual novels but I’m so bad at playing them. I keep buying them because I love to support the industry, but they tend to be hours and hours long so I don’t finish them, aha.
The last one I played through a route on was “Life After Magic” which is a pretty relatable queer VN about a Sailor Moon expy who dropped out of high school and ended up in a dead-end job, having to reunite with her friends / potential love interests. I’d like to finish this one because I know you can date the villain in one route.
KDE Connect means that I can ping my phone that’s usually presumably somewhere behind my bed or on a counter somewhere, without having to sheepishly walk to the nearest person and ask “can you call my phone I lost it :c”
I notice injustice, I just don’t often do anything about it because of my anxiety disorder, which makes me cry myself to sleep for six hours.
Alright so I was a little confused on OpenMW but it appears that it is, in fact, complete enough to play? Nice. I now finally have an excuse to play.
I completely forgot about Daggerfall existing. I’m just reading through the wikipedia article. “Daggerfall consists of 15,000 cities, towns, villages, and dungeons for the character to explore.” I am intimidated, yet intrigued.
Surprisingly, I installed Calibre on Linux and for some reason it just looks…better on Linux? Not sure if its because it opened up in default dark mode or what, but it doesn’t look as ugly when I’m using it on Pop_OS. Feels at home, really.
I will say its definitely a beast. I’ve used it a few times but I never really went in depth with it’s features. I’m definitely liking the bulk tag editing, the shop search (I’ve been looking for a way to search DRM-free books and it has it!), and the default tags. The last one is mainly because I think getting a tag called “mentally ill women” for The Yellow Wallpaper is a little funny.
It took me a few seconds to figure out what the heck just popped up on the side of my screen, haha! Thank you for the potatoes.
Out of curiosity do you find that neocities is easy to set up for a beginner? I’d like to get into blogging that I don’t have to worry about getting comments on. Something where I can just ramble on a bit about how things went that day, what I learned, and then post and never touch it unless I want to reread that day’s entry.
Hi, its been a gazillion years since I was last on this platform but I hope you’ve all been doing well.
This week I have been doing some self reflecting due to politics, and I am trying to figure out how to get involved in my local community. Currently starting off small by finishing my high school diploma after a decade, and seeing if I can help my fellow classmates out with the resources I know about. Since they’re also all in similar situations with educational and financial issues, I have been collecting resources on things like digital literacy, sexual health, financial planning sites, and local food banks.
I am also thinking of conquering my fear of meeting my ex in-laws and going to the local LGBTQ drop in, but that will have to wait a few weeks. Got too many appointments.
Other than that, I started talking to my friends again after dealing with social anxiety caused by being “chronically offline” for once. Since I am studying now, I need to work on my school-life balance too.