I cannot attest to all of science, but anecdotally, that is wack bs. I am very sensitive to caffeine. Know how I know? I got them mixed up once and after 3 cups of black “decaf” (it was the caffeinated) I started low-key tweaking. Hot flashes, cold flashes, sweats, vision blurring. I can’t say all stuff is like that, but I did NOT mix up my caffeine and decaf like that again.
I like the hops taste of beer and regularly drink it for just that. I barely get a buzz and no one else is drinking around me so there’s no social pressure. Whiskeys are interesting because if you taste them correctly, you taste all kinds of interesting sweet notes and earthy notes and it’s very cool to taste those things. That comes from a $25+ bottle, but it’s affordable if you enjoy that sort of thing. Again, 1 glass every once in awhile. Now things like vodka? I’m pretty sure that’s just to get you drunk