You believe the media fed to your cousins by their government…
…why will Israel not let the BBC into Gaza
…why are they killing people.
Stop the killing. It’s a simple fucking thing to do.
Just stop.
You believe the media fed to your cousins by their government…
…why will Israel not let the BBC into Gaza
…why are they killing people.
Stop the killing. It’s a simple fucking thing to do.
Just stop.
What word should I use for the murder of 10s of thousands of ethnically and locally connected people Andrew.
“not a people”, oh that’s all right then, nothing to see here, please ignore the murder of tens of thousands of human beings, because, and I quote “they are not a people”.
…give your head a wobble.
When does one start counting the deaths of a genocide? Do we wait until the last member of a group of people has been killed?
Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages
genocide noun
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Looks like exactly what is happening.
It’s out of date, Israel has moved from snatch squads to genocide.
UK Subs
Teach your kids to count motorbikes and cyclists and they learn to see them when they’re adult drivers.
Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, weed, shrooms, acid, speed, coke, mdma, ketamine… I stopped weed first, nowadays it’s just caffeine… Od’d on speed once, seriously convinced I was dying, that was horrible, 5 days of paranoid hallucinations, I was at my own funeral, people only came to bitch about me… acid is ok, shrooms are better, mdma and shrooms is amazing.
…but stopped when I became a dad, 17 years ago…
Best day ever
Andrew, you know nothing about me, and you only know half as much about Palestine as you think you know. I’m done with you but I will never stop fighting for justice in Palestine.