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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 6th, 2024


  • There’s two points of consideration here, let’s see if I can make my point without a wall of text, I’m prone to those…

    1. Anonimity: the fact that where you connect cannot know who exactly you are. This should be straightforward, anonimity should not be taken away, it is a core part of the internet in my opinion. It’s extremely important that we can express ourselves freely without fear of being persecuted. Despite the negative sides that it has, as those with ill intent will be harder to find (but not impossible). In this the common quote attributed to Franklin applies well in my opinion: Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.

    2. Proof of personhood: basically the difficult task of making sure that the other end of an internet connection has a real person, and together with that, proof that it is different than others, the ability to know you are you and not someone else.

    This is incredibly interesting as a technical problem to be solved, and I do agree with you that the internet as we know it is at risk if we don’t solve it properly. It is specially hard to solve if you try to guarantee anonimity (like I believe it should be).

    The wikipedia has an article about it that I think gives a good idea about the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_personhood

    Personally I have been quite carefully interested into the whole World ID solution, using a device called orb with open specifications that captures some data from your iris that should be unique per person, storing only an encrypted piece of information in a blockchain and on your device locally so that you can use it to identify yourself as a real unique person and only once, but wherever you use it, cannot know anything about you except that. There’s a lot of possible criticism to such a system, but insofar as I have checked and can understand, it seems like a legit solution. But I leave here the link for anyone interested enough to check it themselves: https://world.org/world-id

  • Yeah, and actually I would say with confidence we are actually better off. It’s true that unrealistic expectations is a big issue (well, might be more like, I think most realize that porn is not real after experiencing it so it’s not a big problem really for most), but at least we do have a good understanding of the possibilities and what is safe and what is not… At the very least we have a more openminded and informed point of view on sex and relationships. Which doesn’t mean either “let’s show porn to the kids” of course, but it’s such an overblown topic in society.

    Let parents be the responsible ones of what kids watch, not the webpages…

  • I’m near my 40s, and have been working as software dev since finishing my masters. Few years back I started to go in the direction of more management less dev in a previous company. Saw it wasn’t for me and went to work somewhere else working as a simpler dev role. A few years after and I’m starting to feel the need to change further even. I do love coding but the whole layer of tech debt and management and meetings is wearing me out and has made me lose my love for tech. I am just lost as to what I’d do instead. Cannot work on retail with my autistic ass and since WFH was allowed and accepted I am not planning to go back to an office anyway. Maybe woodworker or something would be enjoyable for me, but there’s other constraints that won’t allow me to change right now, lots of bills to pay and my wife is an entrepreneur so we can’t really risk losing my stable position right now, with two small kids. Once they grow and get out of the house we’d likely move more country side, get some chicken to care for (we love animals) or something like that and maybe I can get space to do some wood work or whatever come to mind then.

    So overall, no, you are not losing it, or maybe we are all losing it together. Same with depression, it’s such a tough shit to leave behind. I’m still fighting with it but doing better lately, the job doesn’t help at all…

  • I’m not a therapist nor an expert, just a dude with an opinion, so I may be entirely wrong. I largely agree with you and I think that’s a great way to see it but wanted to expand on it.

    If someone’s use of porn (or anything to that effect, videogames, tv, social networks…) affect those ADLs or IADLs I would say that it would fall under the category of addiction, which is worse than the loose and nebulous (that was a great way to describe it) “too much” from the question.

    I would rather say that “too much” porn can be way before the addiction point. I would consider that teenagers might easily watch too much porn due to the ease of access and the amount of content available while they are not really addicted. It’s just a reaction to the whole hormones changes and the increase need of sexual gratification. If someone cannot go even a day without watching porn, I would think that that’s too much. If their sexual relations are measured or thought of as porn scenes, that is an indication of too much porn too.

    I dont mean that watching porn daily means you watch too much porn, but if you can’t go a day without it, if you stop doing things you would rather do because you didn’t yet watch it, then it is too much. If someone’s idea of sex is lead by porn, then they probably watch too much (but in that topic there’s also the idea of how much real experience they have). In other words, “too much” depends on many personal factors that aren’t so easy to define, but could happen before we get to the point of addiction.

  • OK, I’ll recommend you a few that are all open source, simple, free, with no ads, and should be handled by just any phone. You can find the games in f-droid between other places.

    For those that are into crosswords: Forkyz

    A slightly different take on sudoku style game: Gauguin

    A game to place pieces removing full lines both vertically and horizontally, kinda like Tetris but pieces are not falling and you just put them wherever you want: 1010! Klooni

    A tower defense game using hand drawn graphics: Anuto TD

    And one I have from the play store, not open source, that is a clone of minesweeper, called… Well you can guess it: Minesweeper for android

    All of those I have used on my own device and have worked great, definitely good time killers if you are into any of those kind of games.

  • It was so great to read all your other answers, thank you so much for sharing your point of view.

    How do you feel about prison as a system for recovery to go back into society? Or did it feel just like a punishment? Do you think other inmates felt regret and will try to rehabilitate in the future?

    Have you had a hard time getting jobs or in general with people?

    You mentioned you wrote books and are working as a freelancer artist, is there anything you have done you would want to share? Did you get to publish some of your writing?

    I’m glad you are out and got straight from the past and wish you all the best.

  • I find it kind of ironic how you complain about downvotes while supporting democracy. I’m not saying whether I agree or disagree with you, I’m not saying either if I think you are right or wrong. But just like in a democracy votes represent the opinion of those who decided to vote. Being right won’t mean you get the votes. You should just accept them and stop complaining about them.

  • Yeah like no shit Sherlock…

    I am neither Norwegian nor young, but can only agree with the premise. We have been paying for Netflix for many years, Netflix seemed to be back in the day a company that understood what was needed to be done against piracy. A couple of years ago we thought of adding Disney+ to our subscriptions as it is great for the kids. I’ll pay happily if the service and content is worth it, but I can’t justify adding also HBO, Hulu, Amazon, Apple+… Guess what happens if I can’t watch a show because it’s not available where I live (happens too often) or it’s in yet another subscription walled platform? And that would be for content I dont even own and can watch whenever, it just might disappear… I also have what I consider a rather large collection of DVDs and BRs, at least I own those but I hate using them (too much unskippable stuff, warnings (threats) against pirating, annoying to use as I need to switch discs for changing content…), and that’s just not a good way of discovering new content, its only for those I really like and want to have and rewatch.