You guys realize that this is a significant step towards having moving pictures like in Harry Potter right?
You guys realize that this is a significant step towards having moving pictures like in Harry Potter right?
Oh well that kinda changes things a little.
So this is the game plan that the government is using in the United States. At least I know what’s to come, kinda hoping they were gonna be more original in the downfall of the US.
I’m honestly not that stupid but it kinda seems like that would be the least frustrating layout.
I would switch to Firefox the instant they let me group my tabs. This fragile stability I get with my browser is embarrassingly important to managing my ADHD.
Ok, but raisins in Mac and cheese is a fucking affront to humanity.
It actually was pretty entertaining. About as good as any film directed towards teens and women.
The main power utility in Idaho is looking into nuclear power generation. I’m pretty excited considering I’m in the utility industry.
Fuck them kids. /s
Yeah child labor is fucked up but we need to pressure our government and corporations to get more sustainable mines and better conditions for the workers.
We need to up the porn a little to beat reddit. Let’s be honest, porn is what wins technology battles. Plus using the reddit app to look at stuff is just fucking miserable. I don’t even look at that much but being single currently, it’s what I got.
Also pretty sure urethra isn’t a fucking organ unless they meant genitals.
Dude right??? I’ve been losing my fucking mind. My home computer, work computer 2, and work computer VM are all top bar mounted. Work computer 1 for upgraded to 11 and it’s pissing me off. Every week I check for a way to change it back.
I dropped reddit almost immediately once the app left. I still had the app though and would open it to sadness. I tried using Lemmy on the browser but it was awful, the notification today has been amazing.
Shameless plug for ranked voting.