Boy, I wonder if misandry causes more misogny…
Boy, I wonder if misandry causes more misogny…
Very interesting article. Prabhakar Raghavan’s basically Ted Faro.
I actually have an engineering friend who did this and he did it in 2 years. Dude had no life, but he put a full down payment on a 750k house in two years. So I guess technical jobs just pay well enough
Lol. I’ve seen a video in China of something like this. It’s a public restroom that requires you to watch an ad accessed by QR code in order to get toilet paper. The future!
They don’t all come back out alive either!
That’s no excuse. Scummy practices are scummy
No, rising prices of menu items increases tips as a proportion. If menu prices stayed the same and you want larger tip %, then sure. But not both. That’s just greedy
Some cities require minimum wage paid toward service employees. This is about $20/hour before tips. They don’t lower their tip expectations because, as you might expect, greed is a thing. You will get treated worse if you don’t tip
I mean, the city I live in requires at least minimum wage paid to service staff. It’s like $20/hour. They’re not going to decrease their tipping expectations because you know, greed is a thing
What does covering more employees over the same period mean? I don’t follow. Also, you’re assuming that customers’ salaries increased with COL and inflation. They haven’t. These policies just squeeze value out of customers. Of course they’re offended
At what point did this minimum change from 10 to 15 to 18 and now 20? Restaurants increase the cost of food items and your tip is a proportion of that. Why would the cost of food increase AND the proportion of tip also increase? That’s double dipping and yeah, people should be pissed about it
I live near a place where the fries come with the burger, but sometimes you have to ask for them. The bean counters assume about 50% of the time that you don’t want them. Lunchbox laboratory in Seattle, in case anyone’s wondering. It sold out a long time ago and has been crap since
That’s not sexual harassment, but it is abuse of power lol
It’s a little hardcore, but try Bible black
Well, you have the luxury of honestly. Pretty sure those rich assholes don’t have that
Oh boy, the fanboys are here! Don’t worry, their opinions are surely the least bias!
Oh look, they’re making promises again. It went so well the first time
Mmm… Sure. I think it’s morally correct for yourself. But the copyright people? They’ll argue all day that you shouldn’t be allowed to pirate it even after ownership. You need to buy the same movie on, VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, purple-ray, AND omni-ray when it comes out. After all, there’s money to be made.
I mean, he’s right in that the population of EU seems to have two very different numbers. If you Google it, the first two results agree on over 700 million and it isn’t until the third result that you get 400 millon. Your argument literally goes either way depending on the definition of “Europe”.
Sounds like you don’t understand international politics. NATO is fucked if Trump gets in. If you’re stupid, don’t open your mouth