Saying “genocide is bad” is hate speech against fascists.
Imagine if, during the American civil war, Britain came in just as the south was about to loose, and then burned down every single structure in the north and killed 20+% of the population. Then went on to tell everyone how the North were actually the bad guys.
I have plex and emby servers I run off my PC and it’s has everything I have pirated and I can just scroll through it on my TV app. You still have to have is downloaded but otherwise it’s pretty similar. I try to torrent a bunch of shoes and movies in big chunks then I have a bunch of media to go through for a while.
Need the NSFW tag fo sho
Fuckers had full access to that shit and didn’t light one mother fucking fire. God damnit. Fucking worthless larping assholes. Edit: God mother fucking damnit I just wanted to see something in that fucking building on fire. Shit fucks were INSIDE Nansy Pelosis office, one of their most hated persons, and not a one of them were like “hey let’s burn something.” Jesus fuck