Gotta make sure everyone’s prepared for WW3.
Gotta make sure everyone’s prepared for WW3.
Wow, just wow. Are your arms sore from all of that reaching?
How is Guardians 3 a conservative Christian movie? You know the director, James Gunn, is very outspokenly progressive, right?
These are novelty mailers. I recently had a friend move, and my housewarming present to him was getting “Trucker Nuts Magazine” complete with used underwear mailed to him. I also made sure to require a signature upon delivery.
Noticed it too lmao
Yep, complete hypocrite that doesn’t stand behind a single thing she supposedly believes in.
God, Shiv sucks. I felt so bad for Tom.
I won’t spoil anything but yeah, they all pretty much suck lol.
Rupert Murdoch is directly responsible for an overwhelmingly large amount of the bullshit that is American politics and cancel culture today. He is a cancer to society and I hope he dies a slow, miserable death. You are on here acting like he isn’t one of the worst human beings to have existed in the past century.
Dude literally created the 24 hour news cycle and the dogshit that has been destroying the US for the last few decades. You think all those people would have gathered on January 6th without Faux News telling them the election was stolen?
Is Lachlan a Kendall, a Roman, or a Connor?
Sorry, all I heard was you have a shit sense of humor and don’t understand satire.
Where did I say it made me angry that others like Nintendo? I’ve literally owned every single Nintendo console and have the Smash edition Switch. I’m saying their games are boring and very low effort a lot of the times these days. Zelda is the exception. What other critically and commercial successful first party titles do they have, besides Zelda and Mario? The last few Pokemon games have been the definition of low effort and have bombed critically. Smash was fun but the online was so bad it would have been better off just not even having it. I’m saying Nintendo is a shadow of their former glory and wish they would get their shit together and stop making games exclusively for little kids. They weren’t always the children’s game developer. I adored the NES/SNES/N64/GameCube. They just are kind of a parody of themselves at this point.
Dude, I’m a big fan of satire. You’re still here, days later, trying to convince me of how funny this “satire” is and how I don’t get it. Satire and dry humor are a second language to me. This is just a very shitty attempt at satire. Go take a nap or something.
Dude we get it. Shitty “satire” account is your alt and shitty satire is shitty satire. Find a new hobby, because you suck at satire.
When you have to point out that something is satire, it’s pretty dogshit satire.
If you have to point out that you’re doing satire, you’re pretty dogshit at satire.
It’s a shitty parody account and we all know it’s your alt, weirdo.
Wait until you see…MCU Daredevil haha
Yes, because we all know that prostitutes are never victims of human trafficking. Stupid clickbait.