I guess we’re all wrong I guess we’re all wrong
Too lazy to search it right now but I think that quote was originally attributed to Winston churchill
I remember catching pieces of this on tv as a young kid and being thoroughly confused and disturbed. The imagery sticks with you for sure though.
Actually “Romneycare” is what we call masshealth and it’s the ACA before the ACA was national. Essentially mandated but state subsidized health insurance on a sliding scale. The Paid Family Medical Leave with inclusion if bonding time is a different program and only came into effect in the past year or two with an additional payroll tax paid by every employee and employer in MA (it’s a pretty tiny surcharge though, and to be transparent you only get 60% of your wages up to a certain amount, I think 1100/wk, while your taking the time). Here’s to hoping the federal govt will someday follow.
In Massachusetts where I’m lucky enough to live, everyone is given at least 12 weeks paid bonding time for birth of a child that can be taken as needed for up to one year after birth of their child. The birthing parents also gets 6-8 weeks of additional paid time. I think some other New England states also have a similar benefits. It’s an awesome program that should be modeled around the rest of the nation. Really IMO it should be a full 52 weeks, but I’ll take it as a solid starting point
Uh, how do you pause a gif? … Asking for a friend…
They did rule that you can’t question a president about his motivations or reasons for any particular act when determining whether it was official or not. Only whether the act itself qualifies as official or not, regardless of the reason behind it.
Physician Assistant in a Radiology dept.
SES Leviathan of Wrath
I mostly live near the corners so I guess I’m a sad horny misanthropic misogynist.
When she keep suckin
Too at to the other answer… She’s wishy-washy in her stances on issues, and talks in circles around things she’s uncomfortable with( a lot of pols do this, admittedly) that’s about as bad as it gets in a candidate for me. Tell me what you think and what you’ll work for and stick to it. If that changes all the time then there’s no way to trust it. Instant turn off.
My baby’s smile
Looks like a Putin body-double
Love this. Absurd realism reflecting metaphorical reality
Reason I don’t use these services is the tip is expected in advance. Bring me my food hot and in a timely fashion and I’ll give you a good tip. I’m not paying you ahead of time to take too long bringing me cold food. I’d rather pick it up myself.
Nice to see surrealism alive and well
Middle right over here
Not anymore, they just caught him in Pennsylvania.