Check out PrivacyGuides. They have recommendations for DNS including what others have commented
Check out PrivacyGuides. They have recommendations for DNS including what others have commented
FreeCAD has a BIM workbench but a fair warning - the learning curve is pretty steep, especially compared to the likes of SH3D and Sketchup
GPL licence under the licences page on their website. Code is on sourceforge i think
I didn’t say anything about who I bank with or that I use banks that uses these practises. Calm down
Tell banks that still use it as MFA that
Mid way through installing underfloor insulation. Managed to do some rewiring, adding extra sockets, replace steel water pipes and apply woodworm treatment in the process. Sadly I’m sapped of time and energy so its all slow going
I have no idea tbh… hopefully i can get access through the kitchen today and see if replacement is straightforward! Valuable insight though!
Amazing. Thank you
Unfortunately the joint is like a meter from the wall so i wouldn’t be able to reach through. I was looking up plastic vs copper and as much as the flexibility half the cost wins, I’ve found some research articles about micro plastics with plastic piping potentially being a long term issue. Fortunately its a straight run so i can just poke a pipe through. I think ill see if i can cut a small section of kitchen flooring and see if i can find the end of the straight section and go from there. Might save me a lot of work
I was considering running a spare pipe system from boundary to kitchen (poking as far through through the wall as possible) and then “terminating” both sides in future but then its an added issue breaking the concrete out the front of the house to get through near the boundary stopcock…
I think ill see if i can cut a small section of the kitchen floor to where the straight run would end and reconsider my options from there when i see whats up
Along with your comment it looks like you are powering a phone with a power bank by skipping the phones battery and connecting directly to the phones battery terminal?
5V may be too high of a voltage for your phone as the phones lithium battery would have otherwise provided 4.2v ish but youll need to find out.
If you directly connect to the charge controller input does it still work or does it complain that there’s no battery?
Yeah that’s a fair point but its a full website with only one page for streaming in this case
Seems this is the way to go amongst all the replies. Didn’t realise i could reverse proxy a camera stream! Thank you
Seems this is the way to go amongst all the replies Didn’t realise i could reverse proxy a camera stream! Thank you
Reverse proxy the stream and reference itself in the reverse proxied website? Is there no way to do it internally in nginx?
Hadn’t heard of it before. Thank you!
I dont know… you tell us! There is a market for all sorts of things
In any case this isn’t an OF/ kink kind of website, rest assured :)
Ooh i see. So Funnel provides an encrypted tunnel and proxy URL for the camera stream out of my network?
So i point the video player to that “public” address and its good to go?
Nothing obvious in the browser logs. Not even a 404 but ill check the other logs again. Thanks!
I’m in the same boat… have made a model of my house in SH3D and sketchup in the past. Have since tried doing it in freecad but it really is a struggle but im persevering. Hopefully one day it’ll just “click” but its a major time sink atm so im putting it off