why would you raise wages? why would you compete when the gap is big?
why would you raise wages? why would you compete when the gap is big?
In the framework of the Baumol effect, a teacher is not as productive as a farmer but he may earn more. I’m talking about productivity against value.
It is nice to see autistic characters develop in a fantasy setting. I think it is not so much about the character as it is about its circumstances.
In the end, it is the social value of your role what you get paid for, not your real productivity. Maybe not so much back in time, but as time passes and more efficiency is introduced in the economy by means of automation the less important is real productivity for your income.
i dream about programming myself, like scheduling routines. just dream, but today i will do it again: maybe with alarms and dedicated music.
I’m seeing it all as an identity thing. You get paid for taking a role which aligns your personal identity with the identity of the collective, regardless of real productivity. I’m sprinkling some Bourdieu into Baumol in seen power structures reproducing themselves by adjusting prices.
The worrying thing to me is when you think you are gonna get promoted for producing more instead of for having a matching personality trait for your next role.