If buying ain’t owning, than downloading…
oh wait, that’s our slogan
If buying ain’t owning, than downloading…
oh wait, that’s our slogan
why isn’t this banned already?
Word… this is why I used spotify for a long time, when it used to be a good service… pirating wasn’t worth the hassle.
now almost everything is worth the hassle
There’s nothing to apologize for, really, you weren’t harsh and certainly not towards me specifically. You even acknowledged the joke, and just stated your opinion, which I simply don’t fully agree with.
I can’t remotely relate to the struggles some women have to go through in male-dominated fields.
I’m a software developer myself, by passion, and I have had some female coworkers with whom I had been designated on projects. And TBH, it never occurred to me to treat them any differently than male coworkers. Also, as far as I could tell, none of the other male coworkes treated them differently either.
So, just because there are some men out there acting like a douchebag by giving women a hard time to feel included in a field, doesn’t mean the world is full of these people. They’re simply more conspicuous, than the others.
Now, is this a cultural thing, that depends on the country one lives in? Or does it depend on the size of the company one works for? Maybe, I don’t know! I’m not a researcher/psychologist to provide any meaningful insight into this issue, since I neither can’t relate on a personal level, nor have I witnessed it.
All I can do, is either just continue scrolling, or, if I’m in the mood, post some silly joke to (hopefully) make at least one person giggle while reading through the comments.
PS: I really like the richness in your vocabulary.
I really don’t see how upvoting a silly joke is a representation of anything.
It was solely meant for some giggles, to relax the conversation about a serious topic a slight bit. If you will, it’s more like karma whoring [no pun intended].
wait, what? we have women in here? where?
In Austria, he’d already be arrested… twice!
While I really wish for PixelFed to take off, like Mastodon and Lenmy did, the current situation, IMHO, is just confusing to say the least.
So, here are two pixelfed mobile apps, an older one which is just a wrapper of the web version, and a newer polished one.
I’ve the new “polished” one installed for a few months now, and it seemes as if it’s development has stalled. The app just feels unfinished at this point.
Now, I get it, it’s a volunteer project, and there are probably just a handful of people working on it. And this is totally fine, I’m not expecting them to deliver an Instagram clone anytime soon.
However, a few months ago, they announced “Loops”, with pre-signups and some marketing yada yada… All this, while there’s still an unfinished app for their core product. But, I went ahead and signed up, just to find out, it was just crickets for a few months.
Then, recently I logged in again (on the web), and saw an they have an App for Loops which seems to be in the works, and upon testing it, I came to the same conclusion, it’s just an unfinished barebones TikTok.
Again, I’m not ranting about PixelFed, but IMHO, if they want to get serious, they should focus on one thing, until time and resources allow them to explore other things.
I would love to see it succeed as an alternative.
My dick hurts (Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian)
So AI should get the most relevant info, while we (humans) have to fight through ads, and popups and shit… At this point, I feel discriminated
yeah… dish … thank you …
English isn’t my first language, and I never used that word in a sentence to remember it.
Some people just don’t want to store anything on their devices for whatever reason.
Can you turn the antenna to ___ insert satellite name ___ ?
For context
where I grew up, almost every immigrant houshold had a satellite antenna, to watch channels across the world. Since my parents were immigrants, we had to turn the antenna each time we wanted to watch either local news or news from our country of origin.
Odin doesn’t play local content, instead it gets the streamable media directly from a debrid service like RealDebrid
RealDebrid and AllDebrid
It doesn’t. It’s nothing like any of these two. They provide local media content, Odin on the other hand streams media directly provided by the debrid service.
So, no downloading and hoarding involved.
Sure, there is that risk as well…but since it runs in a docker container, it’s easier to pipe all these requests through a VPN tunnel. And yes, one could pipe all their network devices (or just the android box) through VPN.
But then again, the installed app, might also collect data from within the network, etc.
no local media collection.
woow, you’re gorgeous… I DMd you