Tesla lost substantial ground in an EV market that was up 54% for the month
There’s a big increase in EV sales and Tesla are selling 59% fewer cars than they did last year. That’s a massive slump in their fraction of the market.
Tesla lost substantial ground in an EV market that was up 54% for the month
There’s a big increase in EV sales and Tesla are selling 59% fewer cars than they did last year. That’s a massive slump in their fraction of the market.
Taiwan’s a small-ish country of about 24M people, and also probably the number one producer of advanced semiconductors. Their family tree is basically “rich bastards that own things”; neither Lisa Su or Jensen Huang inherited their firms, but “work your arse off until you’re at the top” looks to be a closely-held family value. So yeah; surprising, but first-cousin-once-removed isn’t that close, and they’ve both got some seriously wealthy closer relatives in diverse fields.
Brainless, foul-smelling and hateful creatures, who can’t be trusted not to shit wherever they stand. And the noise that they make is really offensive as well. The donkeys next to them are quite cute, though.
True. I’d mentally envisioned it as a whole series of “bread powered water wheels” down the side of the building, with a furnace at the bottom. Nothing actually going fast enough for friction to matter. A machine that only tried to convert all the kinetic energy at the bottom would be wasteful, as you say.
Plainly, we’re going to have to put some engineering design time into the concept of this.
A ‘morning roll’ is kind of a different thing from your standard issue ‘bread roll’, though - bit more robust on the outside, which makes it better for containing hot food on the go. Kind of the opposite of a brioche, which is a waste of bread if I’ve ever seen it.
Well, there’s your problem. You’ve plugged a Romantic Robot into the place where your Kempston joystick should be. Never going to win at Daley Thompson’s without perfecting your waggle. Also, the Speccy will probably crash from hammering the keyboard if you try.
Midnight Resistance is one of those weird games where the first level is the hardest; it’s not too bad to finish it if you do the first bit. Fair play on Robocop, though - that’s a hard game.
Duke’s Archives and Londo Ruins are good, but everything in Izalith or the Giants’ Tomb sucks a lot of ass. So you are correct on average.
The slug tree gets a lot of hate as a boss, but I think the Centipede Demon gets underrepresented. Killed as soon as you pass through the fog door because you drop to 0.5 frames per second, followed by a long run back again? Ass.
Typing this from a Tuxedo Pulse Gen 3 - wanted a laptop that was suitable for development with a few more pixels at a reasonable price. Superb machine - recommend to anyone.
A kilogram of bread is about 2000 calories, about 9 kJ. Your body “burns” food too - probably more efficiently than you could make a steam engine for the same, but it’s about that much.
Energy from gravity is equal to mass * gravity acceleration * height. 1 kg of bread in a 9.81 m/s/s field has the same gravitational potential at “about a kilometer”.
If you’re throwing magic stake baguettes off the top of the Burj Khalifa, the energy would be about equal.
AI does give itself away over “longer” posts, and if the tool makes about an equal number of false positives to false negatives then it should even itself out in the long run. (I’d have liked more than 9K “tests” for it to average out, but even so.) If they had the edit history for the post, which they didn’t, then it’s more obvious. AI will either copy-paste the whole thing in in one go, or will generate a word at a time at a fairly constant rate. Humans will stop and think, go back and edit things, all of that.
I was asked to do some job interviews recently; the tech test had such an “animated playback”, and the difference between a human doing it legitimately and someone using AI to copy-paste the answer was surprisingly obvious. The tech test questions were nothing to do with the job role at hand and were causing us to select for the wrong candidates completely, but that’s more a problem with our HR being blindly in love with AI and “technical solutions to human problems”.
“Absolute certainty” is impossible, but balance of probabilities will do if you’re just wanting an estimate like they have here.
I find that the blazing bulls are fairly trivial if you just keep the “run” button held down and do your “running sideways” attack on them - makes Sekiro do a twirl. The first one takes a little while but you’re not in much danger; the second one is much quicker, because you hit harder by then, and there’s less scenery for it to get stuck on and so it’s a lot more predictable.
There’s not really any other enemy in the game where doing that move is a good idea; certainly not just that one move repeatedly. Am wondering whether it was a slightly misguided attempt to teach players the whole moveset? The ogre’s “dodge throws and parry attacks” lesson is pretty brutal for the point in the game where it is. Although if you’re playing again from the start, he is a joke that you’re likely to take down in one go from muscle memory. Perhaps the real lesson is to go exploring, ring the wee bell and find a weapon that’s very effective against him?
https://shadps4.net/ to be precise. Differs from other emulators by not emulating the hardware, but by reimplementing the API, from what I’ve read. More like Wine than eg. https://rpcs3.net/
I think even when the companies have a bit of money, they tend to go overboard. I think eg. Baldur’s Gate 3 is actually so long that it’s problematic, I would have been quite happy with it at 2/3rds the length it is. Even worse would be something like Pillars of Eternity 2 - it’s great, but it goes on forever and didn’t make any money. There’s too much of it.
Give us more games like Disco Elysium. Not that long, tonnes of replayability, and more importantly, it’s different. Really different. And the “moral choices” actually mean something.
Done that way completely on purpose, of course.
The numbers all have their binary value in their low nibble, too, which makes Binary-Coded Decimal completely trivial to convert into the equivalent string, or vice-versa. Nearly as easy to convert ‘normal’ binary numbers in either direction, too.
As soon as the ball at the end rotates, you’ll get fresh ink again - the amount that dries at the very tip is miniscule. This change dries up the slight detritus that builds up around the tip, too - we used to wipe that off onto your other hand if it was the first bit of writing you were doing that day. But damn, that was a few years ago.
Fortunately, wages have increased to match, right?
Made worse in nu xcom because shooting generally ends your turn and leaves you open to retaliation - sixty percent shot implies forty percent chance of death, and death of an experienced trooper is extremely bad. Old xcom, you could duck out of cover, take a shot, and duck back in, so “bad” chances to hit aren’t such a problem.
Which leads to my other part of the problem with nu xcom. The original, you could load fourteen dipshits into the skyranger and they could all take their 14% shots; if half of them came back alive, then it’s promotions all round. A meat grinder for sure, but the loss of a couple of soldiers isn’t a disaster - your fault for sending your most experienced guys first through the door if it is. The new one requires exceedingly cautious play and luck. Nothing like as bad as Phoenix Point, of course, but spoiled it a bit for me.
Tactics is choosing who to send in first. Strategy is being able to recover if that goes wrong. Nu Xcom is all tactics and not enough strategy.
Unless they plan to stay out of caves forever, then eventually they’re going to stumble into the one that you have planned…
Bless her. If someone that really ‘loves and appreciates wine’ but ‘hates eggs’ finds that a complete nightmare, then I (who am the opposite) should leave it alone.
She’d absolutely cooked the shit out of those eggs, though. I’d probably hate them too if I only got ‘yellow cooked until it’s a powdery dust’ as my options.
Nicole the Polish girl from Toronto is my fediverse girlfriend, damnit. Get your own.