Europe -or any continent or country- is able to introduce a higher degree of direct democracy and participation if there is political will. The technology has long been there, see, for example, here: https://democracy-technologies.org/.
Europe -or any continent or country- is able to introduce a higher degree of direct democracy and participation if there is political will. The technology has long been there, see, for example, here: https://democracy-technologies.org/.
Secondo i ricercatori di Hugging Face, R1 (Deepseek) non è “open source” dalla definizione ampiamente accettata perché molti degli strumenti utilizzati per costruirlo sono avvolti nel mistero. Come molte aziende di intelligenza artificiale, DeepSeek è riluttante a rivelare la sua “salsa segreta.”
Hanno raggiunto la versione stabile proprio quest’anno, non sono sicuro che un tale audit sia davvero utile ora (qualsiasi aggiornamento renderebbe il controllo privo di significato, no?).
È basato su Ricochet, un altro grande progetto, ed è sicuramente vale la pena tenere d’occhio direi.
Non dobbiamo mai rinunciare alla speranza 😅
Mi chiedo se la gente ripensare la loro dipendenza da MSFT o servizi cloud in generale, ma ne dubito.
Un’alternativa potrebbe essere anche Librewolf, una versione di Firefox senza telemetria.
As @onion@feddit.de already said, I cross-posted the article from an Italian-speaking community and didn’t change the link as I noticed that the petition is in English anyway. But it’s perfectly right that there should be correct language setting. I changed the link now. My apologies for the irritation.
I don’t speak this language and have no idea of this culture, but as always we must be careful as any literal translation from one language into another often conveys a different meaning, even when the words are the same.
Among others, the Tourism New Zealand website says about the haka and its origin:
Today, haka is used as a sign of respect and is performed on important occasions, such as sporting events, weddings, funerals, and powhiri (a traditional welcome).
Lorde performs one of her songs also in Maori (the song’s OV is in English, the song is called ‘Solar Power’). You may also be in interested in Olivia Foa’i, a singer who also performs in Gagana Tokelau, the indigenous language of Tokelau, a collection of atolls between Australia and Hawaii, and in this story.
Unfortunately, this is not only your country which is wasting time on meaningless (and sometimes harmful) things. If big (!) business is involved, there is no such thing as a “country” imho. It’s just big corporations and the rest.
Italian Blocking Demands: Following a Bad Example
While [Quad9’s] case in Germany has been found in favor of Quad9, we have been served with another demand from commercial interests in an EU nation to block domain names, again based on alleged copyright violations. Italian legal representatives have presented us with a list of domains and a demand for blocking those domains. Now we must again determine the path to take forward fighting this legal battle, in another nation in which we are neither headquartered nor have any offices or corporate presence.
It doesn’t appear to be limited to racism.
Humans inherit artificial intelligence biases
Artificial intelligence recommendations are sometimes erroneous and biased. In our research, we hypothesized that people who perform a (simulated) medical diagnostic task assisted by a biased AI system will reproduce the model’s bias in their own decisions, even when they move to a context without AI support. In three experiments, participants completed a medical-themed classification task with or without the help of a biased AI system. The biased recommendations by the AI influenced participants’ decisions. Moreover, when those participants, assisted by the AI, moved on to perform the task without assistance, they made the same errors as the AI had made during the previous phase. Thus, participants’ responses mimicked AI bias even when the AI was no longer making suggestions. These results provide evidence of human inheritance of AI bias.
If they can get any non-bluesky-the-company folk to create instances then that’s just scaling they don’t have to pay for and a convenient legal scapegoat for the inevitable consequences of their lax moderation.
Yes. This exactly is their whole business model. There has been a very good article about bluesky around for some time about that fyi.
Just a question: Are the tech managers in Silicon Valley also idiots? I posted the article already, but here’s it again as the thread has become long: https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2015/dec/02/schools-that-ban-tablets-traditional-education-silicon-valley-london
It is doable, but the parents must contribute to that.
Tablets out, imagination in: the schools that shun technology (2015)
In the heart of Silicon Valley is a nine-classroom school where employees of tech giants Google, Apple and Yahoo send their children. But despite its location in America’s digital centre, there is not an iPad, smartphone or screen in sight.
National cybersecurity agency deems TikTok a threat to Czechia
The Czech National Cyber and Information Security Agency (NÚKIB) has today warned Czechs against downloading the Chinese video application TikTok. It has labeled the app a “security threat” and said the public should “think twice” before using it.
Danish public broadcaster advises staff against using TikTok
This time we have no choice. We either invest this money to defend our democracy or we have no democracy anymore.