What are your bed temps for PLA and ASA? Does it still happen if you preheat the bed? If you rotate the print, does the rough spot follow the rotation?
What are your bed temps for PLA and ASA? Does it still happen if you preheat the bed? If you rotate the print, does the rough spot follow the rotation?
Former Oculus Go users:
First time?
DAK catalogs were wild. Each item had a magazine article length description that was clearly bullshit. But by the end you’re certain that the constant emptiness you feel is from not owning the World’s Best 16 Channel Stereo Graphic Equalizer.
An alkaline AA may have more capacity, but the LiPo has lower internal resistance and it’s electrolyte is flammable. The worst the alkaline would do it shorted or punctured is get warm and poop out KOH.
I have an HL-2270DW and the toner low light comes on well before prints start washing out. Fortunately the toner life is tracked by a plastic gear on the cartridge, and it takes just a minute to roll it back. When it does run out, good third party replacements are under $20.
Other than niche Keysight gear that’s has three layers of nameplates because it’s '90s vintage NOS, LXI and USB-TMC have replaced GPIB.
The closest is the Convergent NGEN, but the one more people may be familiar with would be the TI 99/4a sidecar system.
He’s daydreaming about going all Gordon Ramsay on the LKML after the photo shoot.
During CPU startup Transmeta’s Dyson “It” style campaign leading to their first product launch, they widely publicized that Linus was on staff.
Ironically you chose a picture of Linus holding a laptop containing the only product he’s famous for shilling.
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Sound card game ports usually doubled as MIDI interfaces, and MIDI is async serial. So they’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.
You’d plug your mouse into the serial port and your scanner into your printer port. Wild times.
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$ :|wc -c 0 $ touch /tmp/f; :>>/tmp/f; wc -c /tmp/f 0 /tmp/f
Like that time Keurig used a very special shade of orange on the lid of their pods as DRM?
Applying power by itself doesn’t keep SSDs from degrading like DRAM though. It’s up to the manufacturer to design scrubbing into the controller to correct errors on infrequently accessed data before it’s too far gone.
You don’t need the original source to program a flashlight. If it’s ATTiny based then Anduril has your back.
“fill angle” under infill settings.
Plasma 6 and Wayland are working great under Tumbleweed for me on my 2-in-1 laptop, but there’s still no usable virtual keyboard package like Maliit in Factory.
Regulations are written in blood, and disclaimers are written in lawsuits.