Colonial settlers stealing land from indigenous populations and participating in ethnic cleansing are NOT “innocent civilians”. They are free to leave the war zone they created anytime they like. For Palestinians, this is homeland defense.
Colonial settlers stealing land from indigenous populations and participating in ethnic cleansing are NOT “innocent civilians”. They are free to leave the war zone they created anytime they like. For Palestinians, this is homeland defense.
They are attempting to separate the SS from the official Third Reich by distinguishing as a paramilitary force distinct from the Wermacht. This is only true in the most technical superficial sense. In reality, the Wermacht were invading most of Europe while the SS were literally facilitating the holocaust in all occupied territories.
The German ambassador to Canada literally participated in a standing ovation to an actual veteran of the Waffen SS
Hmm I think he is right to criticize these types of policies that are still held by Columbia even under Petro, but I wonder if his insults against the man are too harsh? Petro seems like a breath of fresh air for Columbia in many ways even though he’s far from perfect. Either way, sandinistas are incredibly based and I’m inclined to believe Ortega’a analysis in general
Small correction, he was indeed a Marxist but he was a member of the more moderate Socialist Party, not the Communist Party.
We didn’t have much chance to discuss it in depth. He was hosting a local event where selected speakers take about 5 minutes to speak on a subject they are passionate about and he invited me to speak. I told him I wanted to talk about ending the embargo on cuba (which I did) and he said, oh that’s ironic because I will be opening the event by celebrating our right to free speech and saying how my grandfather didn’t have that right in Cuba. We both laughed and agreed we onviously don’t agree on some things, then just focused on boring procedural stuff about the event. At the actual event he elaborated the details I included in op but not with the exact same words I chose
To be clear I don’t think he supports embargoes or sanctions and certainly doesn’t support war or invasions, but he just doesn’t like communism at all and believes a lot of misinformation about communist led governments
A guy I know, real nice guy but super liberal, was telling me how his Cuban grandfather suffered under Castro. Sure enough, when he got into more details, it turns out his grandfather was a wealthy landlord whose farmland got collectivized and he only had to go to jail after he got very vocal about trying to get people to oppose the revolution (in which he was very much the minority BTW, his own friend turned him in)
It’s not about ideology. It’s about providing an alternative to the hegemon. Seeing those who are usually imperialist running dogs now beginning to choose the alternative is a win.
I went to the Center’s website that is linked on Wikipedia, and the all the images on there are porn. I can’t read Chinese so idk what the text says. What’s up with that??
Elaborate please. Lysenko drew from Darwin’s evolutionary theory and imagined better ways of agriculture as a result.
Wait, who is the pig in the cage? Lol
Inshalla Hamas will make sure he doesn’t leave