You just described the current US administration pretty accurately. It’s appalling, and terrifying, to have thin-skinned toddlers with this much power.
You just described the current US administration pretty accurately. It’s appalling, and terrifying, to have thin-skinned toddlers with this much power.
Exactly my thought. For the same reason they’ve been arresting people at the border trying to enter the US instead of just turning them away, I expect they’ll arrest anyone they seem “illegal” trying to exit the country: The prison industrial complex.
They’re going to get rich off of imprisoning people and forcing them into slave labor and internment camps.
Yep. Biden will go down as the second worst president in US history because he paved the way for the worst. It’s a shame, since he did some good things while in office, but you can’t just shake off the shit from the bottom of your shoe when you dove into it face-first.
Thank you for this! I’m in the US and have to buy American for many things, so this is super helpful!
I would also accept painfully and televised.
Please protect your elbows while you’re putting us in our place. I recommend elbow pads:
He’s one of the few people I genuinely wish would get so depressed they off themselves. Preferably soon.
plastic surgery, veneers, and injectables like Botox and fillers
That sounds an awful lot like gender-affirming care. Guess they aren’t real women/men.
/s (except for the fact that I don’t think they’re even really human anymore, but that has nothing to do with the care they received and everything to do with the shit they spew)
You must not be American; we can only do one thing at a time.
Unless it’s just ruining everything; we count that as one thing, even if it’s not.
I meant vosotros, yes, thank you! Sorry, it’s been over two decades since I was in Spanish class; I mixed vos and vosotros up.
If you’d only said it three times, you would’ve summoned him. So close!
Literally the second sentence of the article body. 😮💨
I’m a bit concerned with myself that I instantly recognized the nose. You didn’t let me down.
Oh my goodness, that fluffy tail! Such a pretty kitty!
Maybe it’s because I’m from California, but we learned Mexico-Spanish. The books included Spain-Spanish (i.e. vos conjugations), but my teachers never included it in our lessons.
Does…does long bacon come from long pig?
McBride is truly awe-inspiring. She’s so strong.
…are you me?
Add being an anti-zionist Jew, and we could be twins.
No, keep the refrigerator, just throw out all the food. After all, real Muricans order in with their copious amounts of money!
Can we mandate he legally change his name to Schmuck Schumer?