Nintendo got dem games
Nintendo got dem games
In fact, those who DO expect it-
Is this a screenshot of tumblr post and reply of screenshots of a twitter post and reply
Maybe I’m being naive but I don’t think we’re quite at that point yet. People angry about the 2020 election were a loud minority
The actual quote isn’t as bad as the headline, at least
“No employee ever wakes up and says, ‘I’m so excited. I made another penny a share today for Panera’s shareholders,’” Shaich told Business Insider in an interview. “Nobody cares. You don’t care whether your CEO comes or goes.”
Doesn’t seem like he’s trying to imply you’re supposed to care
subway surfers i think
STEM majors like to make fun of business majors for having easier homework
If it’s a job that requires high-performance/low-level code (which seems to be the case from the other qualifications), this is probably their way of filtering out people who have primarily worked at a higher level where you don’t need to worry about the nitty-gritty details
There was some speculation about a Kid Icarus: Uprising console port