On one hand, you should probably indeed take personality quizzes claiming to be scientific online with a grain of salt and actually check if they have that kind of backing.
On another, they’re fun. I am indeed the type of person who takes shitty online quizzes! (And their sometimes-higher-quality sibling, the academic survey. I really miss r/samplesize) And that doesn’t necessarily make me an idiot. I do wonder how to let my fellow quiz takers know that there are a lot of claims to scientific validity out there that just are not true without being a buzzkill, or condescending to the ones who already know and still participate for fun—because I absolutely get wanting to combat pseudoscience and misinformation.
However, I didn’t take this quiz myself, I found this in a post online and thought Programmer Humor subscribers would find it funny.
I’d imagine that you graduate high school at 18 and choose to go to college for the next 4, meaning you graduate as a 22-year old. Add or subtract a year for birthdays that align oddly with the academic year.