POS10 posting POSTIN TRANSITION COMPLETE; I am now Alice D. Addertounge newest member of the Sun Ra Arkestra! Rocket number nine to the planet Venus!
POS10 posting POSTIN TRANSITION COMPLETE; I am now Alice D. Addertounge newest member of the Sun Ra Arkestra! Rocket number nine to the planet Venus!
Happy jan 6 everybody! I’m gonna be smoking weed and practicing martial arts on the porch to celebrate.
Ya’ll haven’t read Programmed to Kill and it fucking shows. NO SHIT. MK ULTRA WAS REAL. It’s a strategy of tension, Gladio 2.0. It could not get more obvious.
All good things in all good time, Ash! I hope you’re doing well. DM if ya wanna chat, I’m gonna try to check in regularly. Considering the way things are going, it’s high time we start building up our networks. If anyone needs to move to a more enlightened part of the country, I can help with that. I have a network here. I can open squats. I’ve done it before. Shits about to get real and we better be ready. Much love.
Hello my lovelies! It’s been a MINUTE since my last post, and I have been SO DAMN BUSY. All good things, though. So I guess it’s STORY TIME, short story long;
I got sober in September. For real this time. I used to smoke crack and shoot dope. I haven’t done that in over two years but I just COULD NOT SHAKE alcohol. I’m a genetic alcoholic, big time. What that means is my brain makes its own opiates when I drink. So when I drink, I don’t want to get fucked up. I just want a sip. It took me a long time to figure that out. 10 years actually, it’s been 10 years since my first interaction with addiction treatment and I finally got it. Feels pretty good.
Anyhow, since my judgement wasn’t clouded for the first time in my life, I was able to honestly evaluate my relationship with my family and HOLY SHIT ARE THEY SICK. Both parents and two sisters check ALL THE BOXES for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They’re FUCKED UP PIECES OF SHIT. Thats what us in AA like to call a miracle. I was able to see something that I was blind to my entire life. No one could have showed it to me but God. Anyhow, I called the pigs on them and reported them as domestic abusers and got my skinny bitch ass outta there so eat shit fuckers.
I’m back in the city, the most radical neighborhood in Amerikkka (if you know you know) amongst my people! THE QUEERS AND COMMIES
I took a Shahada so I’m officially a Muslim now. It’s so cool. The dudes who run the smoke shops in my neighborhood are Houthi, so I’ve been hanging with them and they’re COOL AS FUCK. Real recognizes real.
Oh yeah, last thing; I found out my Grandfather was involved in Real IRA activities during the troubles. I don’t know EXACTLY what he did, but I’m pretty sure he was INSTRUMENTAL in getting arms back to the old country during the Troubles. He got out of the life around the time I was born, and my name was changed after the Good Friday agreement to keep the feds off my back. My birth name is as Irish Republican as it gets- I cant tell you what it is for opsec reasons but I can tell you what it means, and if you want to do the research to figure it out that’s on you;
How about that? I’m REAL IRA. Nothing provisional about me, boyo. I’m the real thing. The realist. They know my name in Dublin and Belfast, all along the falls road and on the road to Al Quds. I’m a Martyr just like my ancestors. I was BORN to bring death to Amerikkka, MASHALLAH.
I love every single one of you SO FUCKIN MUCH!!! This is a really special place, and I’m so glad y’all were here when I needed you.
Love and Solidarity,
Alice D.
Welp. That 5 year plan worked out way quicker than I thought it would.
I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I live in a house with 4 other people with NPD, they’re my dysfunctional family, and I’m the scapegoat. I need help really bad. I’m finally making arrangements to move away and go no contact. I’ve been abused my entire life by unfeeling monsters and there’s only one thing I can do about it; put asphalt between me and them. I feel like I cracked some sort of code or puzzle, or like actually physically got to the bottom of somewhere or something. Ya girl, anon, needs some therapy.
To be clear: I’m not advocating for it.
Is the Average American in bad enough shape to create a new species classification? Like homo erectus vs homo sapien vs homo sapien sapien?
3…2…1… shoenice!
It’s super cool, I promise! I actually had a nice big hard cover copy when I was a teenager, but I lent it to someone and never saw it again. I was just reminded of the book the other day while watching utubez. I’m going to give it another read now that I have more harmonic experience under my belt. Here’s a download link if you’re curious; https://annas-archive.org/md5/ee3279234ca7e2b1446a0b0100e7c62a
Check out Atun Shei Films’ videos on King Philip’s War. The 2nd generation of puritans in New England waged a horribly bloody, racist war against indigenous people. Good content on our horrifying history.
There’s a really good music theory book called The Harmonic Experience by W.A Mathieu. It’s a text book kinda about the contrasts between Western music and tradition eastern styles like Raga or Maqmat, specifically how Just Intonation works. He explains music theory using history and the actual math and physics regarding how vibrations become harmonies. For example; to have a piano that is tuned for Raga or Maqam music, you would need around 36 keys per octave. A regular piano is 12 keys per octave. We landed on 12, equally spaced, keys because they’re “close enough” for our ears to bridge the gap.
Anyhow, the first half of the book has singing exercises for ear training. It’s a really good music theory foundation and not too difficult to work through, if you’re interested. I 10/10 recommend.
Skirt go spinny.
I’m going to have to try spinny since you speak so highly of it.
I got two skirts , black with a white stripe around the hem and red plaid. They should be like halfway above the knee, hopefully they’re cute. And most important, I hope they make me feel cute.
On the fifth day, the Lord madeth the skirts go spinny. And it was good. AMEN.
I finally ordered some trans socks and bralettes! I’m a v excited girl. Thinking above getting a skirt for a cute schoolgirl type outfit but idk. I’ve been feeling much more fem latelyz especially when looking in the mirror. It’s nice to feel good.
A few weeks ago I realized I wasn’t paying attention and going too fast while drawing my anticistaminesut of the vial. I looked at my shot and it was like half bubble. So uhhh, I stopped shooting big bubbles into my leg. I think it’s week 3 of taking an actual dose. On top of that, I lost the little bit of alcoholism related weight/bloating I had on my rum tum tumbly. Feeling really cute and content right now.
BUT I’ve been cutting myself shaving a bunch now, so I need to step up my hair removal game. What is the consensus on cheap/easy facial hair removal? Do I want an epilator?
EVERYTHING is going according to plan!
Moved out of the hotel I was living in, moved in with Balkan baddie girlfriend. On that hot girl lesbian best friends and roommates type lifestyle.