They don’t give a shit about child abuse or pedophilia. There’s no money to be made there. It’s about copyright and political censorship.
They don’t give a shit about child abuse or pedophilia. There’s no money to be made there. It’s about copyright and political censorship.
What a bunch of pussies
Help the sky and the sky will help you. Did you know conspiration to commit genocide was a capital offense in the US? Just tie him to the chair
Western political and media leaders who abetted this shit should be trailed and punished for incitation to commit genocide.
sounds like abunch of apologist for internal colonisation. If the dutchies had entire island full of spaniards they would vote for geerts real quick
Bulgarians are just macedonians aren’t they?
Macedonians are just bulgarians
Celtic isn’t Germanic, but normally gets lumped together.
Yeah ireland would like to have a word
The Franks were germans and one day we’ll free ourselves from “France” and re-establish Gaul
The EU is a racist construct. Spain have all the right to protect his housing market but why would a german be threated better than a guy from Brazil? Appartheid
I don’t really care about what you think tbh
Look I’m coming to the internet to school people and be right. If I want some sugar i ask my wife. No offense but you’re not my type.
You do not have to do a formal declaration of war when you declare your enemy to be non-state. It have everything to do with a declaration of war.
That line, “neither at war nor at peace” makes ZERO sense from a legal point of view. They are, for now, at peace with Russia and Iran. If they want that to change they can issue a declaration of war, which would be warranted if the accusations were solid.
But they do not have the balls. They just want some cheap thrill to keep their population scared, it’s good for weapon sales.
Well my friend if you want my respectful disagreement I’m going to have to say no, weakness and non-violence are not the answer. In the sixties, they would blow shit up and that is when most struggle started to win.
So no, I do not own respect to some idiot cheering for crapitalism when the planet is dying.
So you’re an imposter?
“Sweden does not jump to conclusions or accuse anyone of sabotage without very strong reasons. The work continues and the national security council is updated on an ongoing basis,” he said. “But we are not naive either. The security situation and the fact that strange things happen time and time again in the Baltic Sea also lead us to believe that hostile intent cannot be ruled out. “There is little evidence that a ship would accidentally and without noticing it, drag an anchor with 300 metres of chain for over 100 kilometres, without understanding that it could cause damage.”
So “we cannot prove that they did it, but we cannot proof that they didn’t either”? Also it’s idiotic. A ferryboat once sinked in Belgium because they forgot to close the door.
No longer, he said, is Sweden a “blue-eyed idealist on the sidelines”, but instead had become “a realist in the centre of events”.
LOL They’re blue-eyed because they forced-sterilized non-whites until 2013. Idealists indeed
Some bullshit warmongering propaganda from a bunch of fascists.
Aw it’s you. I love Drag <3 have a nice day.
Of course it should not be true that unlawful combatants are not covered by geneva. I’m saying everybody’s trying to wiggle they out of a proper war declaration because it would entail respecting the laws of war.
Microsoft, apple, google, amazon and meta ARE evil companies though
It’s not completely unregulated at all. The mods totally have the power to ban bots, just find a place that’s actually moderated at all