Don’t tell me which zone is for stopping and which is for loading
I’m OOTL, why do people want an alternative to Signal? It thought that was the good app
Don’t forget to rub your hands together like a fly
Where are all the hexbears waiting in line to suck Putin’s cock over downing yet another civilian airliner?
Lol this response proves OP’s point. “Bro it’s so easy bro just soak in sodium hydroxide and fill your house with smoking oil it’s easy dude just measure how much starch is in ur meal dude lol ez”
One of the examples of hostile architecture in the OP is bars on a park bench. Is that to prevent pitching a tent too?
God bless openwrt
Disguising themselves as their favorite meals
Bullshit, Tesla headlamps blind everyone else on the road straight from the factory.
Static X is the shit. Throw in some Powerman 5000 and I’ll live the rest of my days happy in the nursing home
Unless it has got many vegetables
Everett’s reaction is always justified. Bro is my spirit animal.
Yogthos is too busy posting propaganda to read anything else
I spend about $30/mo on whole beans from a local roaster. Cheap Hario hand grinder, French press. KISS
Boise, Idaho
What a fucking surprise
Don’t you touch my truck-boat-truck
GNU intensifies