They tried to make me go to rehab 🎶
They tried to make me go to rehab 🎶
I get the reference, but this assassination will indeed lead to CEOs taking more safety precautions. As much as it might feel like a relief, another guy will just fill the position and nothing will change. It’s just a warning to the richest, that they need to be more careful, f. i., need to manipulate public opinions even more. Perhaps the health insurance companies will make more of an effort to keep their internal processes secret.
Or am I missing something?
Neat! How do the glasses work? Do they block red light, making you kind of more awake?
Thank you for the lead. I will look into it
What “dating crisis”?
Man sollte sie ausgrenzen UND sich fragen, was die Linke falsch macht. Dann werden es auch wieder weniger AfD-Wähler.
Tell me more about that “proof” you are refering to
Co-opt I understand. But why commodify? Can somebody explain? I am just stupid
How did you make the graph? I am asking because I am currently searching for ways to get into data stuff. Do you have good ressources?
True, it does not matter for your point. I was just interested. Thanks for your answer.
How do you define socialism?
Why would you think it is a good idea to ban sexual content from schools?
What does that mean (honestly, I don’t know)
What do you do? I am looking for Inspiration.
Wait, no rule?
I am not a native English speaker and would love to learn. Can you explain the pun to me?
What are you thinking of?