Idk but your little asspats are quite enjoyable if i’m being honest
Idk but your little asspats are quite enjoyable if i’m being honest
Sorry, I must have mistook the multiple posts about this as an invitation for engagement
Goodness gracious, we are having quite the day with this.
Idk man, I don’t know many people who care this much about defining gender to the exclusion of others that aren’t fostering some form of bigoted prejudice, but you do you bud.
Given your exclusionary rhetoric I think it’s an apt comparison.
Maybe deal with your own prejudice instead of seeking validation in these silly support groups.
No, that’s for you and your ilk to decide, of course, and to call anyone who disagrees fascists and transphobes.
I haven’t called you a transphobe, at worst I accused you of being exclusionary, which as far as I can tell is actually what you are trying to be
No, because the weaponization of race as a point of comparison to gender is done so specifically because of it’s historical context - even though it is just as much of a social construct.
It’s apples and oranges, but if apples had been enslaved on the basis of not being bananas for centuries, and oranges were being accused of not being a real fruit at all.
Get over yourself. It’s not for you to decide what identities are legitimate or not.
They compare transgender identities with transracialism. Close though.
I’m sure they’d be happy to oblige
Instance banning isn’t going to stop him from posting it elsewhere and blahaj users from seeing it elsewhere.
No, but it will stop them from seeing it from that particular user in every instance, which is better than them still seeing that user air their grievance about it.
It’s less performative than just about any other act of moderation on lemmy.
It isn’t that surprising to me that you received an instance ban for breaking an instance rule, even if it happened somewhere else. Users in blahaj can still see your activity, even if it’s not taking place in their instance, and a rule that’s meant to protect instance users like that one needs to apply everywhere that instance might be active. I don’t think this is mod abuse at all.
I can’t advocate enough that people have multiple user accounts for this purpose, though. The fediverse is so diverse, with so much variation in mod standards, that everyone will eventually experience this. Not as a way to evade a ban, but just as an acknowledgement that different communities don’t play well with some other communities you might be a part of. That, on top of the fact that it’s just good opsec to rotate user accounts anyway.
I don’t think anyone is going to change your mind about the specific opinion that earned you the ban, though. You seem pretty locked-in.
Isn’t this a common TERF comparison?
I don’t know what this impulse is that people have to weigh in on the legitimacy of other people’s genders, but I’m tired of people running to communities like this one just to lick their wounds when they get rightfully swatted across the nose.
Good job i guess?
Yea, your opinion of tankies has come across just fine, it’s just curious to me that sentiment is so frequently communicated with conservative cultural references
This is the second time this week someone has inadvertentlu appropriated a bit on conservative culture in an effort to lionoze ‘tankies’
You could describe your shits in materialist terms i guess, but that doesn’t make it marxist
Outside of how they relate to material conditions, it doesn’t.
It can’t help inform your gender identity any more than it can help you decide what toppings to put on your pizza. Attributing that kind of cultural expression to an ideology that has nothing to say about it isn’t just dumb, it’s fascistic.
I’m pretty sure Minnesota imports something like 60% of our energy - i’m at least glad we’re past the worst of the winter weather but holy fuck is it going to suck