I’ve been targeted by mass downvoting bot spam. Issue might be resolved now, thanks to the admin.
I’ve been targeted by mass downvoting bot spam. Issue might be resolved now, thanks to the admin.
That was heavy, I need some water now
Why does everyone online talk about Trump nonstop?! We get it, he’s a piece of shit.
I guess I’ve been unintentionally sarcastic ~5 times then
Hollow chest? No soul?
Thanks, I’ve reported it to the admins, still attempting to resolve the issue.
War fucking sucks
I might be wrong on this, but it seems people don’t search the internet like people used to back in the older days. Now it seems everyone has been taught to be lazy and accept whatever their algorithm of choice feeds them. Idk, maybe im wrong, just a gut feeling.
It’s tiring to see, almost everywhere.
What’s wrong with the VPN? I’ve only read good things about it.
Hell yeah, I love Connect, the dev seems really genuine too
This is my main gripe with the app so far. In Connect it’s incredibly easy to block instances/communities.
Look at the neck on that bad boy
This is cool as hell
Why would preferring certain cat colors be wrong? Are you not a human?
Sync just released.
Please be real
Sorry! As I’m sure you’re well aware, some people can be very immature online, under the veil of anonymity.
I’m using Firefox as well, hmm I’m thinking it’s maybe an addon I have that’s interfering?
That happened to me as well. Basement goblin got upset and put their downvote bots on my account.