That’s a good point, thank you.
That’s true. The video that this quote comes is actually about Ellison trolling someone (and in a pretty mean way, too).
I’m inclined toward your view on this.
Montezuma’s elevation is around 10,200 feet, or 3100 meters.
What is this, the 1840s?
Thanks to DJ Greg at Radio 1190 for reading the piece on their show after I shared it with them.
Centuries before Samuel Johnson’s “I refute it thus!” moment.
This gave a good laugh, thanks!
A shepherd is only your friend until you get to the killing floor.
I have some sense of where you are coming from. I remember having mixed feelings when a friend of mine said they were trying to conceive with their partner: happy for them, but also sad knowing the friendship would probably change, and bad for feeling sad.
I also have to commend you for understanding that you need friends beyond your boyfriend/girlfriend. Not everyone understands this!
And then he doesn’t even like Star Wars? What’s up with that?
No one to lie to you also means no one to lie for you.
Sit down in a sauna, look around, and say, “Wow, it’s like a sauna in here!”
This one is functional now, but it still needs some work. I do feel lucky to have found one that’s not completely ruined.
I have a few questions about these videos. Are the soldiers aware of the drones above them? Are these drones small and quiet enough that you wouldn’t notice them unless you were actively looking for them? Why are all these soldiers lying flat? It seems like that makes them much more exposed to these drone-grenade attacks.
Sorry if these questions have obvious answers. I am very ignorant about ground combat and drone warfare, just trying to learn.
"Hmmm, let’s do a search to see if anyone else has this problem. This post on Reddit looks promising. This person has the exact same problem as me.
“Wait, it is me.”
I’ve been interested in GNU Taler for anonymous online payments, but it has some problems, namely the documentation is a bit dodgy.
I was just thinking that: being on the spectrum means you’ve been both of these people, maybe even in the same day.
You have my sword, babe.