Can’t spell “functional” without “fun”!
Oh no! How’s the Queen holding up?
Whichever version it is, I hope that one day I can delete a mail, change my mind, press ctrl-z and it will actually undo the last delete and not some random one from earlier in the day.
Some of the American English words used by young people sounds confusing, but are just abbreviations: “riz” for charisma.
Others, I don’t know where they came from: “yeet” to mean throw.
What about Iceland?
Why isn’t step 1 disconnecting them from the electricity?
For many people, it wasn’t.
Oh, and Harold Halibut. It’s stop-motion and heavy on character interaction, with a story that keeps the action mild (on a level with a kid’s TV show). A very calm protagonist. Aside from the visual style, all those things are reasons that it got mixed reviews, but could fit what you want.
I had trouble with very long loading times on the deck sometimes, but it’s a slow-paced game, so I didn’t even mind too much.
I’ve only played the demo, but Caravan SandWitch has a cozy vibe and seems very chill.
People feel uncomfortable making big decisions, so spend longer on the trivial ones.
This was explained in Roger Rabbit:
Eddie Valiant: You mean you could’ve taken your hand out of that handcuff at any time? Roger Rabbit: No, NOT at any time, only when it was funny.
I just want to know who put anonymity bars over the sunglasses!
12 and 13 are lucky to not have names.
Wash-bear invasion!
Well if the record label was still around they could make ownership details public, or let you download the signed file again.
A digital signature from the label would be created with their private key.
What would they be signing? Your public key plus the ID of the song? They can’t sign your private key, it’s private.
What stops you sharing your private key and a song with a friend. Then when either of you need to provide proof, you can both show that you have the private key that matches the signed file?
For one thing, Facebook will happily decide that you don’t need to see posts from them, so it’s a terrible way to communicate.
Oh, wow, I did not realize that!