Nice! Built them accessible and the beauty will come
Nice! Built them accessible and the beauty will come
I have doubts about Linux becoming better. Better for whom, the users or the corporations?
Keep away from penguins, then
Three dimensonal vision is bloat anyways…
Refuse newness, embrace estability.
They smell data. No need to give them what they want. Incidentally, your lungs will thank you
The smoking gives no tactical advantage whatsoever
Feliz natal e obrigado!
I have a feeling (hope?) we are going to see a big twist. Otherwise, Mata already won…
You have a point. Maybe I was being as naive as technomage, considering we are seeing things mainly from her eyes. Never thought about how fish could be a really messed up character, considering the things the happened in his past… also penguin looks really distressed, maybe on ptsd… Or maybe I’m just paranoid and overthinking the whole thing
It’s dangerous to be just a mindless disciple and put goals ahead of empathy…
Nothing like good old reliable deb’s antiques
It’s useless. Some of these people will never escape. They can’t stand the harsh weather of the wasteland and will just find themselves in another Mata City walled garden… even some penguins are having a hard time remembering their heritage…
He was almost there… feel sorry for the guy
Deixo também o meu muito obrigado. Você podia estar fazendo dinheiro, mas optou por investir na formação de solidariedade. O mundo é um lugar melhor com o trabalho de pessoas como você. Por favor, continue com o bom trabalho!
Would this colonel wearing some sort of colored hat?