Hoosier born and bred. Research Software Engineer at Indiana University. Follow IU soccer and women’s basketball and the Indy Eleven. Biker.
@KrissyKat @bloomington_in My guess is they’re the only ones that could afford the bribes.
@KrissyKat @bloomington_in I only know what I read in the papers. The council refused to consider the mayor’s pick for the historic preservation commission, and the deputy mayor accused the council of trying to raise the salary of the spouse of one of the members.
@markstos @bloomington_in So I suppose bike route algorithms recommend the bypass generally? I wouldn’t. Between the debris thrown up on the path by speeding cars, and just generally the amount of carbon monoxide you suck in, I’ll take my ebike quite a bit farther to avoid it.
@markstos @bloomington_in Maybe because it is high car ownership and car density? 🙂 Past Griffy there is the dog park and the north end of Cascades, so it really finishes out the circuit I think. Also at the 2500 block of Walnut there is an area designated as an “Urban Village Center”, so maybe they’ll do something with that as well.
@KrissyKat @bloomington_in Yep, that thread has it right AFAIK. A big area in the middle of campus was fenced off, I need to swing by and see if it’s been opened back up now.
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @bloomington_in Listening in on the meeting about this…it has the feeling that they will be going all night 😬 A presentation from a homeowner followed by commission discussion and we’re 45 minutes in. There are going to be public comments for hours.
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @bloomington_in This particular kerfuffle is about tearing down some single-family houses and replacing them with apartment buildings.
@bloomington_in My recommendation is that they replace LOS all through the document with “Cars Go Fast Level”.
For example, SR 45 and Airport Road could say, “Based on the capacity analysis results, the intersection operates at Cars Go Fast Level B during the PM peak hour in 2019”
@FlyingSquid Watched the first season but the awkwardness was beyond me. As a gen-xer I prefer ironic detachment 😃
Fortunately Kirkwood will be closed to car traffic for the summer soon. It has all the same stop signs, but a much wider car-free area and not nearly as much of a climb. Kirkwood will be a much better east-west route for biking than the 7-Line will be.