Jesus-Witze gehören zu meinen absoluten Favoriten. Jesus Christus Superstar! Hat jemand ein paar Jesus-Witze für mich? Hochwählis garantiert!
Jesus-Witze gehören zu meinen absoluten Favoriten. Jesus Christus Superstar! Hat jemand ein paar Jesus-Witze für mich? Hochwählis garantiert!
Why wouldn’t it matter? The money was paid to USAID and meant to be used for a specific purpose. Now the American state decides to just keep the the money instead and use it to consolidate its budget, than that’s misappropriation and should be paid back
Have you checked out the FuriPhone? First reports seem promising
Oh, getting your life tracked by Apple is better? Also didn’t know decentralised apps exist in Apple ecosystem
Was? Du hasst sogar Hörsprechgarnitur?
There are less cruel ways of killing a puppy than stoning it to death. Also, what’s the difference between welcoming and acclamating?
Source please or I’ll stick to my previously unchallenged image of ugly blobfish
Yeah, if they attract big, tax-evading US corporations for a business model, see where that gets them.
Also, no caffeine for breakfast. It causes the afternoon crash to come extra hard. To mitigate it even more, have your lunch extra light (small portion, easy to digest)
I would say it’s most likely they were strictly earmarked. Aren’t they always?
Which is the first one in the preview pic?
Hallo, was ist bitte eine EnTschittifizierungsfirma? Das wär ja mal ein interessantes Geschäftsmodell?
My friend, maybe you didn’t read the article well. Enforcing regulatioand collecting the due taxes are exactly what they are proposing
No shit. That’s because Amazon chokes all competition. Downsizing them gives competition a chance to come back alive.
Here is some hope: You have a great job and you love the actual work! Some aspects of it are bullshit, some of the time at work you spend on mandatory bullshit, and bullshitters who detract from your happiness exist all around the world, in every industry. But: All that doesn’t completely cancel out the love you still have for your work - otherwise you wouldn’t have phrased it that way, would you? Also a slice of good news is, you have some degree of control over how much you let the shitty aspects cancel out the good things. Admittedly, the control is never 100%. And sometimes, the bullshit and frustration can get overwhelming and does have the power to tip the balance into a minus. That’s when it’s time to leave. Prepare to ge into a new, more rewarding field now. That will give you a choice when you feel the moment has come (probably it’s when you keep saying the above sentence to people in the past tense).
I need to make a meme out of this, combined with the situation when realized that I had already, unknowingly, made that decision to be broke more than twenty years ago when realized I’d make a great teacher, and started going down that career path.
Have you noticed how they react extremly slowly? That’s an explicit setting they make in CSS so rejecting them is sure to waste a lot of your time.
I actually sometmies consent to tracking cookies, when its the site’s primary source of revenue and they need to track my data to survive - like newspapers and other free online publications. But as soon as their cookie consent management comes up with this “legitimate interest” bullshit, I reject everything, just because eff you.
I’m wondering if there actually was anything there at her socials though. Didn’t she even have a Discord channel?
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