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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • “macOS” is not the same as “Mac OS”!

    “Mac OS X” was rebranded to “macOS” (or rather, “macOS” is the successor to “Mac OS X”, but really just is the same but newer, the “upgrade” was just like any other update between Mac OS X versions afaik), and “Mac OS 9” does not belong to “macOS”.

  • well, the problem is not that forums are not real time. the problem is that people use real time chats for things that should’t be done in real time. like guides, which should stand on their own as an organized post, easily searched and found.

    “real time” chats, that is, instant messengers, have their time and place. they have been around for a while, but they never really replaced forums. until discord came, which kind of then did. which i guess also resulted from facebook groups, twitter, instagram, and reddit first kind of partially replacing forums, after which then forums really fell out of favor, and discord really is way easier and better to interact with than any of the others mentioned (aside from maybe reddit). people are also just lazy and jusy use whatever works.

    and people then started using discord like a forum since forums are almost dead and discord is just simple and easy. so many guides, info, announcements, etc. are put in discord like it is a forum since the admittedly amazing features for roles and bots make it convenient.

    it all gets lost in a sea instant messaging organizing. to find something, one must go to one of a a bunch pinned messages in one of the bajillion channels that links to a post (i say oost, it is actually a message) which in turn links to a series of messages where someone knowledgeable posted something useful intertwined with shitpost messages fromither people. if you are lucky, someone made a google doc for a guide, but those also suck, and they are also not easily found unless you know the guy who knows the guy who knows which pinned message in which channel has the link to it.

  • berber@lemmy.chaos.berlintoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlHow it goes
    11 months ago

    actually, i believe the top two should be switched.

    at least that is what my perception is of people who drink coffee vs people who don’t drink coffee.

    but it does make sense in the sense that the pictures represent someone who is already addicted to coffee, which feels like must be a majority of programmers hahaha

  • I honesly feel like a jew living under nazi germany

    i am sorry, but i am not sure if you know how ridiculous and hurtful this sounds for people who have witnessed the holocaust and their relatives.

    you do not know how it feels to be a jew under naxi germany.

    i do not doubt your suffering and oppression, but this is a bit insensitive in my perception and i think these are things we shouldn’t compare until there are comparable things happening.

    anyway, yes, that sucks. i am sad that your government is like this in an authoritarian way and that everbody else is ok with everything.

  • Das Schöne an Nikotin ist, es macht alleine praktisch nicht süchtig

    Also ich will Dir wirklich nichts an Deiner Erfahrung wegnehmen, aber ich dachte eben es macht schon süchtig, weswegen ja auch die Kaugummis funktionieren, oder? Aber okay, Rauchen und Vapen macht auf jeden Fall wesentlich mehr süchtig eben weil man gewisse Mengen einfach instantan aufnehmen kann über die Lunge und das zu ner krasseren Beziehung zur Droge führen kann.

    Und eben genau wie Du sagst, wenn man Nikotin komplett “sauber” aufnimmt, dann ist es nicht annähernd so Gesundheitsschädlich wie Rauchen. Manche sagen, so wie Koffein, weiß aber nicht ob das stimmt. Aber süchtiger machen als Koffein tut es bestimmt (denke ich), auch wenn man es nicht raucht, und Koffein macht auch schon süchtig in einem nicht wenigem Maße.

  • i live in germany and to me telegram doesn’t feel niche at all.

    a lot of younger people use it a bit like discord, like for group stuff. organizing (like e.g. political activism), finding apartents in berlin, and yes, getting drugs as well. also some worklplaces use it (which i think is terrible). it is also preferred by a lot of people to communicate via telegram over signal or whatsapp in situations where people don’t want to give away their number, like online dating.