Pretty much the same for me.
I experienced a moderate amount of childhood sexual trauma, pretty much everything short of forced penetration, but because I had been environmentally groomed up until the moment I realized that it was what it was, I didn’t think much about it.
It had been enjoyable and fun and pleasurable.
I already knew all of these things that I suddenly remembered, but the facts surrounding them, a willing cognizance of the events, had not bubbled up to the surface.
It was like I opened my eyes, and what I saw horrified me.
That being said, I am somewhat resilient, even if I am a bit of a coward at times, and like, I think it gave me a much more open mind and a broader perspective on what other people have gone through.
I’ve always been a bit of a softie, and, like, now I’m just also personally empathetic.
My bad, I meant to say shift T and then shift S.