Thought he looks like santa.
Thought he looks like santa.
You copy some text from a webpage and put it in your email or word processor, it copies the formating too and everything looks wonky. If you paste the clipboard content in a text editor, like notepad and copy the text from there, you strip the formating.
That is what the post is refering to.
Wierd. Interested to see how this develops.
He says this or that on a social media platform. Just ignore it.
The bigger one. Or the one that tends to not back down. Not sure about either animals behaviour. But I guess that the smaller one will back down.
I thought the era of fighter jets was ending with lasers making them obsolete. By the time this thing sees the light of day, it should be garbage, right?
Great until there is something sticking out in front of him.
These ships are shit for the environment as well. Old, unsafe and uninsured vessels. Decreases safety at seas. The loopholes used to operate like this needs to be filled. Not just to prevent sabotage and making the seas safer, but to shut down circumvention of sanctions.
I want to know more.
Removing things that the populace can unify behind. Putins orders.
Why did we give up the joy of shopping locally and in-person for convenience?
Because then I would have to go places and talk to people. Generally I want to avoid that. I can avoid amazon anyways.
Open source and copyleft please.
People were talking about chinese wet markets before. Under trump, they will talk of deadly pandemics on an industrial scale. The trump plague will be more lethal and biglier.
Ooh, that is cool! I like gnome.
I’ve been sent three unique image URLs across 4 messages. One of them is the second in your post.
What happens before an agreement is not relevant. What happens after is.
Musk is a little childish. Probably some developmental deficiencies going on there.
If this blows over, have Musk pay it back, from his own pocket.