You may have a look to Bordeaux’s University. There are litterally school and research center for wine 🤣
You may have a look to Bordeaux’s University. There are litterally school and research center for wine 🤣
I’m really pissed of this “I’m sad 'cause I’m poor. So if I had money I would be happy.”
(Poverty imply sadness) does not imply (wealth imply hapiness). That’s basic formal logic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraposition The Contraposition is (not sadness imply not poverty). So, If you are happy, you have money.
Expressed differently, if all the poor are sad, we can state that a happy person is not poor. But we cannot state anything about a rich person being happy or not.
Dad: “I don’t have my wallpaper anymore on my desktop !”
Me: “Ok, what’s in C:\User.…\Pictures” ?
Dad: "I don’t have C:, I juste have D:"
Me: “WTF ? You don’t have a C:\Windows folder ?”
Dad: “No, I just have a D:\ drive. Windows is installed on D”
How th fuck did he managed to not have a C drive ???
Back in my days I use to record them on VHS and watch them again when there was nothing interesting on TV (that is, 90% of the time). I finished knowing by heart any single lines if dialogs. Yeah, I was that weirdo creep at school.
Except for “Les cigares du pharaon”, where I didn’t record the good channel 😟. I passed my whole childhood with that hole in the story.
The fuck ???
It’s the name of pilot’s mother: Enola Gay Tibbets !!! It has nothing to do with LGBTQRSTwhatever !!!
We have a long history of complaining and resisting to quite anything, bad or good. And also cutting head from time to time.
Aucun soucis 😊 Si ça t’avais intéressé, je serai de toute façon passé par ebay ou leboncoin et je t’aurai envoyé l’annonce.
Si t’as des questions sur le montage hésite pas. C’est surper bien expliqué mais on sait jamais.
La liste d’achat est ici: https://github.com/tompi/cheapino/blob/master/doc/orderingguide.md
J’ai suivi la liste, à part pour les keycaps où je voulais des low profiles.
C’est pas exactement 50€ le clavier, mais vue que t’achète les pièce est gros, tu t’en tire à ~100€ pour 2 clavier 1/2. Genre, t’achète pas 36 diodes. T’achète un paquet de 100. Tu peux tirer encore les prix si tu veux te lancer dans le business du clavier 🤣
Je peux te revendre celui que j’ai fais à 50€. PM moi si tu veux des détails.
Pareil. Je voulais vraiment m’y mettre, je me suis fait un cheapino pour ~50€. Pas moyen d’écrire quoi que ce soit de correct 😟 Au moins je me suis perfectionné en soudure.
Tommy Racing Turbo:
Thank you !
Provider providing oil to consumer: It’s the fault of the providers !
Provider providing black slaves to white consummers: It’s the fault of consumers !
What an hypocrisy…
Nope. It would realize how much more efficient it would be to simulate 10billions humans instead of actually having 10billions human. So it would wipeout humanity from earth, start building huge huge data center and simulate a whole… Wait a minute…
The 2ks was also the “terrorism” era. I don’t want to kill the mood, but nostalgia is very strong in erasing bad stuff.
But I’m feeling like you. I miss Counter Strike LAN parties and Linking Park too 🙂
More something like 50% nuclear, 40% renewable, but we also sell lot of nuclear electricity to Germany. Hydraulic is very well used. We have hydrolic power plant everywhere it’s possible. Not many people know this. “Hell ya, why don’t we build more hydrolic plant ?!” Well, because we already did 😅
Small word about OpenGL, as it seems confusing for many peoples:
OpenGL is a spec written by Kronos group. There is no such thing as OpenGL library, or OpenGL source code. You cannot “download” OpenGL. OpenGL is really just a buch of .txt files explaining how functions should be named and what they should do. This spec define an API.
Then, this API can be implemented by anyone, by writing code and putting it in a library.
GPU drivers implement this API. That means that Nvidia, AMD and Intel have their own implementation.
To have access to this API from your program, you have to “getProcAdress” all function you want to use from GPU driver’s DLL. As this is quite painfull, libs exist, like glew, that do it for you. These libs are really just a long list of getProcAdress for all entry points.
That’s also why you cannot “static link” with OpenGL. As function can only be retrieved at runtime.
Another interesting things is MESA. It’s a CPU implementation of OpenGL spec. So MESA is a lib, with source code and so on. You can download it, link against it, etc… This is very useful when you want to do 3D without GPU (yes, this happen, especially in medical domain).
Nah, we put things on fire only when some random dealer get shot by a cop.
France has ban drilling new Wells on its territory. For now, despite oil lobbying, ban is still applied :) The problem with geothermy is more a social and legal problem. No one care about drilling in the middle of north sea. But geothermic should be drill close to population. And suddenly, everyone becomes afraid of earthquake, and you need dozens of authorizations.
SLB had acquired Celsius Energy, a company that deploy low depth geothermal solution. They are also partner with Genvia to developpe hydrogen. And have also plans for offshore wind turbines. Oil company all have plan to transition to new energy. Then know oil is not a long terme business. The problem is doing the transition while making money. If you dont make money, you die. And if you die, you cannot do transition. Unfortunately, oil still generate shitload of money…
Curently waiting for my train. That’s exactly what juste happen…
This so called “GOD”, is he in the room right now ?