Fart in the pillow before you leave, so she can smell your colon after you are gone.
I’m also on Mastodon as https://hachyderm.io/@BoydStephenSmithJr .
Fart in the pillow before you leave, so she can smell your colon after you are gone.
This more closely aligns with my perspective, although I also believe no work should be able to be covered by both copyright and patent (e.g. software).
I’m even willing to give longer terms as long as they are limited by the lifespan of the living sentient creator, and not subject to legal games around corporate personhood.
But, I can certainly see the motivations behind eliminating copyright entirely.
I didn’t say democracts were. But leftists that did vote voted D as harm reduction.
Where exactly did I say Dems are left? I self-identify as a (democratic) socialist, and there’s plenty of infighting all over the left: anarchists, communists, etc.
I voted for the Dems, but that’s harm reduction not agreement.
Interesting take. I’m not opposed, but I feel like the necessary reverse engineering skill base won’t ramp up enough to deal with SAS and holomorphic encryption. So, in a world without copyright, you might be able to analog hole whatever non-interactibe media you want, but software piracy will be rendered impossible at the end of the escalation of hostilities.
Copyright is an unnatural, authoritarian-imposed monopoly. I doubt it will last forever.
Yeah, these numbers are generally brought up to “show” how weak Trump support is. But, what I see is that leftists are not a majority, even among people that give a damn. So, if leftists are going to make any progress, they need to take concrete actions with whoever they can agree with for that project, instead of attacking other leftists (because they didn’t vote e.g.) and going no-contact with everyone that’s not as ideologically pure as yourself.
We have to build consensus and lead by example before we can win at the polls.
Thank you.
Fast fashion is killing the planet. Don’t buy merch you don’t need.
I picked them because I read they had the best artist payout / stream rate. I thought about switching to Bandcamp, but I’ve heard it’s got its own problems with mistreating workers and artists. The image doesn’t provide a non-US alternative; is there one?
Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down.
A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal.
You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It’s all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down.
Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top.
But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should’ve seen the view from halfway down.
I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could’ve known about the view from halfway down—
– “The view from halfway down” by Alison Tafel (excerpted)
Ramanujan did pretty good, just died young.
I wrote this. I so rarely get to use the word “penultimate”; I wanted to. It was especially cool to be able to pair it to “ultimate” meaning “last” instead of (the more colloquial) “greatest”.
5 is frames from a chill, slice-of-life animated feature: “4 heads are better than 1”.
I think it is reasonable not to want to wait until mid-terms. Given my location and familial duties, I don’t think I can effectively protest, but I agree with the efforts of people that choose to.
Given the utter incompetence on display so far, I at least don’t think the Trump administration will be able to do away with or ignore the mid-term results. That said, unless the mid-term results are truly impressive, I don’t think a (third) impeachment will result in an end to the Trump administration and the beginning of a Vance one.
Be safe out there.
I don’t know why, but this made me audibly giggle. I’m not sure if it’s Charon’s confusion in the penultimate panel, or the possum’s gleeful/eager expression in the ultimate one.
PR, DC, Guam, American Samoa, definitely others I don’t have on the top of my mind. Are the Marshal Islands inhabitable, again?
Eh, I had to take my Saturn (previous vehicle) to the dealer several times. The car before that was ruined by a “shade-tree” mechanic, so when I lived in the same city as the dealer I preferred that.
I’m with you on right-to-reapir tho. It would have been better if the diagnostic methods and parts were available from other than the dealer (and maybe they were and the local guy just didn’t want to mess with it, doesn’t do a lot of EVs at his shop). But my experience with cars is mostly that dealers have that advantage whether you go electric or not, and I prefer electric.
Still let me know if I can do something to improve right to repair for me or others.
IME, (2019 Volt) maintenance costs are lower with a PHEV. I have needed to take it to a dealer to deal with a OBD2 code that neither I nor my local mechanic could resolve, but the replacement part and labor was reasonably priced.
https://git-annex.branchable.com/todo/Bittorrent-like_features/ – Use IPFS as a special git-annex remote, and it will be nearly impossible to execute a take-down.
If you have other “decentralized filesystems” that have “better” behavior than IPFS, you might see if joeyh or yourself can add them as other special remotes.
If you actually believe this is still true, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya’.
This hasn’t been true since the '70s, at the latest.