Beruhig dich mal. Wie soll ich diese Vorlage “Keine Technik aus China” aussitzen? Es ist halt genau das Problem. Wo geht die Sicherheit denn los? Bei Windturbinen, bei Elektroautos, bei Solarzellen? Telefone aber anscheinend sicher nicht, weil wir müssen ja mal realistisch bleiben.
“Keine Technik aus China” verfasst und verschickt mit Technik aus China. Oder?
Zur Sicherheit:
Keine Migranten
Keine Technik aus dem Ausland
Keine Verschlüsselung im Internet
Keine offenen Grenzen in Europa
Keine Messer
Keine Masken (siehe Österreich)
Keine Friedensverträge
Am besten gar nichts mehr, dann ist endlich Ruhe
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The minimum wage for 18-21s is different to the one for the rest?
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Du fühlst dich getriggert durch jemand der eine Maske trägt, weil du meinst das wäre ein an dich gerichtetes moralisches Statement? Bitte kümmer dich um eine Therapie, das ist besorgniserregend.
Like I did say: The article reinforces the idea that we shouldn’t dare think about peace, that Russia is never to be trusted.
While the Kremlin might theoretically accept the possibility of Ukraine’s EU membership, Russia is likely to push for more distant accession dates – 2035, 2040, or beyond – while simultaneously launching a two-pronged disinformation campaign.
Will it accept it or not? They don’t seem to know but speculation is free
Whatever shape the peace talks will take, Moscow will likely demand Ukraine be represented by specific individuals, possibly including pro-Russian politicians. And if they are not included in the Ukrainian delegation, Russia could then question the legitimacy of any agreement signed by the current Ukrainian leadership and push for immediate presidential elections in Ukraine where the Kremlin can deploy its influence operations.
The whole article is like that. Russia is likely to do this, is probably going to do that.
Considering that peace negotiations are on the horizon I view pieces like that, basically arguing for continuing the war, as plain disinformation from those parts of society who never had any qualms about the militarisation of Europe and want to see more of that.
I don’t know. It sounds like disinfo is ok to you if it suits your view. And it’s not very difficult to find support for that view from a wide array of sources, rather than an obvious EU propaganda outlet.
Then….quoting politico of all places to discredit Sachs? How does that even happen?
die sich mit einer schwarz-roten Koalition sehr schwer tun.
Ah, Ich dachte es gäbe ernsthaft Probleme. Aber, wie tief ist der Graben zwischen neoliberal und “sehr neoliberal”?
How come that on a forum against disinformation on an anarchist server a website is regularly featured that acknowledges the following under About:
We are the East Stratcom Task Force, a team of experts with a background mainly in communications, journalism, social sciences and Russian studies. We are part of the EU’s diplomatic service, which is led by the EU’s High Representative.
Information on this website is basically coming unfiltered from one of the major economic and political forces that is in direct conflict with the subject of its “evaluation”. Why would we trust anything they say?
Accordingly this article brings nothing new to the table and reinforces the idea that we shouldn’t even dare think about peace. That Russia is never to be trusted.
To counterbalance I’d like to suggest watching what Jeffrey Sachs ( had to say, addressing the EU a couple of days ago.
Und wir haben nicht nur einen König der so denkt, sondern eine ganze Generation…
Is it a loop hole, is it a trade rule, we’ll never find out. What’s certain is:
“You are going to have to hire thousands and thousands of more customs officers if you want to scrap the exemption,” Riedenstein warned. “It’s going to cost the US and the EU to punish Beijing for taking advantage of these legal loopholes.”
The future is just one huge contradiction. Buckle up.
It’s about time to boycott the fuck out of those Nazi boot lickers
This has been making the rounds before, but I think it’s ridiculous to bring it up. There is a reason nobody is touching Russians assets in the West. Touching property is not something considered a political tool. It’s the foundation of the capitalist system. They are not going to blow it up because of some tariffs.
Ah, CDU, SPD wollen ins GG Schreiben, dass Schuldenbremse für alles ausser Rüstung gilt? Fantastisch
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