they have a different view on what freedom means
they have a different view on what freedom means
chill, man. i’ve never said this is consciously (or at all) his reasoning for not choosing the gpl. what i mean is that, collectively, this is what’s pushing the development, sponsoring, and adoption of more and more tooling with permissive licenses
sure, but it didn’t get much attention until gcc switched to gpl v3 from gpl v2 and apple decided to jump ship to it
my point is that competitors to gpl software are always advertised through their technical merits (valid or not), but the point behind their development is getting rid of gpl-licensed software
not sure how it would be more difficult to make money using gpl tools
it’s interesting how the move away from the gpl is never explicitly justified as a license issue: instead, people always have some plausible technical motivation. with clang/llvm it was the lower compile times and better error messages; with these coreutils it’s “rust therefore safer”. the license change was never even addressed
i believe they have to do this exactly bc permissive licenses appeal to libertarian/apolitical types who see themselves as purely rational and changing a piece of software bc of the license would sound too… ideological…
so the people in charge of these changes always have a plausible technical explanation at hand to mask away the political aspect of the change
it’s been a trend for a while unfortunately. getting rid of the gpl is the motivation behind e.g. companies sponsoring clang/llvm so hard right now. there are also the developers that think permissive licenses are “freer” bc freedom is doing whatever you want /s. they’re ideologically motivated to ditch the gpl so they’ll support the change even if there’s no benefit for them, financial or otherwise.
sadly, i think that’s exactly the reason why so many gnu coreutils/libc/compiler competitors keep croping up: people want to get rid of the gpl as much as possible. if they could replace the linux kernel with a non gpl variant they would
not that the people creating the projects necessarily have this intention, but the projects are certainly being picked up and sponsored mainly for that reason
wow what a helpful and insightful comment.
i was making a little joke abt the repetition of the title
Never in my life, have I seen a meme this concise.
cool read
about scheme not really being a lisp, i think common lisp, cojure and scheme are all lisps, but they’re very clearly different languages. it doesn’t look like it for most people, but i think it’s similar to romance versus chinese languages. to most people, mandarin and cantonese are “dialects of chinese”, but they’re farther apart than french and italian. due to eurocentrism, romance languages feel closer to us, making the differences more noticeable, while chinese languages feel more foreign, so the differences don’t matter that much. we live in a c-like-centric world, so c, c++, and java will be considered completely different languages, while scheme and common lisp, which are way more different from each other than c and java, are seen as “dialects of the same language” just because they happen to use the same parens-oriented syntax
the unexpected keyboard is pretty handy. it will feel a little weird at first, but you’ll get used to it. you can find it on fdroid and i think also on google play
if you don’t want to get used to using the menu bar, tool bar, and the mode popup menu, you should look for a keyboard configuration that allows the onscreen keyboard to pop up regardless of the mode (by default, it will only pop up in read/write buffers)
i also strongly recommend installing the termux version if you wanna do anything useful
The main reason I’ve been considering a switch is this: my experience with interactive development with Chez has been less than awesome.
haven’t read the rest of the post, but i wonder if he considered using guile. guile+emacs+geiser has been providing me a pretty good experience
edit: should’ve read the entire thing
(To be fair, Guile Scheme has pretty decent support for interactive development. However, Guile + Geiser cannot do to stack traces what SBCL + SLIME can.)
finally someone saying you shouldn’t daily drive debian testing
C++ [relies] on manual memory management
not exactly. i can’t remember the last time i new
’d or delete
d anything at work. not only do we have smart pointers for over a decade now, but also, most of the time, you don’t even want to be allocating stuff on the heap anyway, so raii will take care of managing your resources. memory management in c++ is explicit, but it’s mostly automatic
yeah it’s not as safe as rust, but idiomatic c++ isn’t supposed to be littered with new
and delete
statements. that’s indication of java-like c++ code, which has been the true villain in c++ codebases for decades, imo. most shitty c++ code is java-like c++ code written by people who would rather be coding in java (or java++ aka c#)
you should report a bug to friendica bc your link didn’t reach me on lemmy
yeah, unfortunately most people in the foss community are the apolitical/free thinker types who hate the fsf bc it is “too political/evangelist” and don’t want to understand how user freedom is affected by permissive licenses