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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2024


  • I used to work in an electronics repair shop and yes, yes it does. And for some reason it seemed (and this is purely from my anecdotal experience) to happen most often to the PS4 specifically. It’s housing makes for a perfect warm, dry, dark place with vent holes just large enough for roaches. I wish I was kidding you, but before we would even agree to repair a PS4 you had to agree to let me open the console inside a garbage bag at the front desk, and if we found any roaches, even dead ones, we had to turn down the repair.

    Edit : And I should mention a lot of these were clean, newer looking consoles. The outside and the inside are different creatures.

  • You are now eligible, they recently removed the requirement. It’s a nice thing to do, and I always urge people to do it if they can, but don’t give them your contact info because depending on your blood type they can be real vampires. Source I have O- blood and was contacted daily to donate blood for over a year, even when ineligible to donate blood (because I donated yesterday)

  • Talking about reload mechanics, I think Tarkov has a pretty cool one that wouldn’t work for a lot of FPS but is a nice touch for that game. Basically pressing reload takes the mag out, puts it back in your pocket with whatever ammo you had left in it so you can reuse it later, or you can double tap reload to drop the mag on the ground and reload just a little bit faster. I’ve got plenty of problems with Tarkov, but I did always find that to be a neat touch.

  • bunnyBoy@pawb.socialtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldMamma
    2 months ago

    In two of the panels, you can see that the mom has bruises on her knuckles, potentially implying that she was abusing the kid. He later shoots her and is put to death for it. The fact that he’s thinking about what she told him even as he’s being executed seems to maybe be commentary on how abuse like that can completely fuck up a person, but honestly I don’t even really know what the message is supposed to be.

    Overall, this is completely fucked