Flashbacks of playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at a the of frequent unexpected power cuts. Painful.
Flashbacks of playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at a the of frequent unexpected power cuts. Painful.
“Good, because I am one”
Telegram works: https://t.me/cRazi_guy
Expanding your social circle is difficult and I’m keen to get out of the stereotype of socially isolated men working themselves to death with no social contact…I’m happy for anyone interested to make contact. Maybe we can get a little group going.
I agree to these terms
“I’m going to tell on you to the therapist!”
How? He lives 2 hours away.
I’ve got categories/folders I add games to in the Steam client. I don’t really play any games outside Steam at all now with Linux on my desktop and the hassle of setting up other launchers.
Favourites (currently playing or due to play next)
Lost interest
Never (got as part of a bundle or freebie that I don’t intent to ever play)
The transition will be from proverbial anal probing (currently) to literal anal probing.
Steam Deck is good… But DNF list is the real backlog killer, dump uninteresting games and move on.
So they will know an app is harmful, allow it to stay on the store, allow it to be downloaded and installed…but then block the permissions. Thanks G
Also, the only app I’ve ever seen flagged as harmful on my phone so far is KDE connect, so I can’t say I have much faith in this avoiding false positives.
Unless you work in a customer facing role…then you throw out apologies all over the place to calm people down. Never need to act on the apology. Just need to get through the shift. Management isn’t going to change the structures that cause the poor experience anyway.
Almost everything is pretend though, unless we’re talking about the basic laws of science (and even those change with context).
Language is “pretend”. Words don’t mean anything unless we all agree they mean something.
Valuing family is “pretend”. We all agree to give family importance, but plenty of animals don’t.
All laws are pretend. Country borders are pretend. Gender roles are pretend. Social position is pretend. Even my job is only my job because everyone agrees to give me responsibility in this role. Pretty much everything in society only works because of tacit agreement.
It would achieve diversification of the social media landscape.
Which is the good one out of those?
Interesting that a solution exists for that scenario. I used to use 2 podcast apps to keep my dailies and serials separate and had to manually go between them.
Didn’t the LTT YouTube channel do this and show the system still works?
Not to say that you should do this though.
If I saw this in a Tinder bio, I would swipe right.