Not sure why people are saying port forwarding is required. I have no ports forwarded to slskd and people are downloading from me just fine.
Not sure why people are saying port forwarding is required. I have no ports forwarded to slskd and people are downloading from me just fine.
Does country matter? I always go for the US ones bc I haven’t been sure.
Not sure on the first one. I’ve only had that happen on certain clients, but the fact that it happens in the web UI throws me for a loop. Have you dug into the logs when it happens? Looks like there is a debug option you can set in config. I’m assuming you don’t use tailscale to connect while on LAN? When troubleshooting I usually try to eliminate things one at a time. Disconnect from tailscale to eliminate that possibility, connect via IP instead of hostname to eliminate reverse proxy from the situation and see if it improves, etc.
Regarding out and about, what is your upload speed? Are you using direct play or are you transcoding?
I think you need to address your 4th bullet point and troubleshoot the buffering. That shouldn’t be happening. Are you streaming from outside your LAN when this happens or does it happen even when inside your LAN?
Regarding #5 go to the now playing song and tap on the album cover. 4 options should come up. Its the bottom right option.
Side note. I know the other options have download and add to playlist, but I have no idea what the option with the arrow going up does.
Yes I use it. By far the best mobile app I’ve used with Navidrome and possibly the only one with lyric support.
I am very interested, especially if you can tie in Anna’s Archive. I’ve been looking for something like this.
Only do it if you have, or when you get Matter/Thread devices on your network. IIRC, last time I looked at this it appeared to be much more complicated, required an extra add-on container, and was expiremental, so came with the caveat of ‘things might break on updates’.
Is the pi running home assistant or is it an external pi running Z2M independently? Is it connected to your network via WiFi?
Can you explain your disclaimer? You suggest not setting your AD domain to a web address you use, like one for self hosted sites? So you buy 2 domains, one for AD and one for sites? Or you use an internal domain for AD?
What about ddns?
Edit: never mind reread your comment and saw the port forwrding caveat. Sorry pal.
Ah that makes sense. I haven’t tried GPU passthrough yet. Thanks for that info!
Just FYI I’m assuming you can’t run Ventura due to avx and/or avx2 missing on your CPU. You can get around these with a couple kexts. CryptexFixup for avx2 and NoAVXFSConpressionTypeZlib kext for avx. I am successfully running a Ventura VM on proxmox on a Westmere CPU from 2010.
Isn’t that paid? I pirate because I’m broke lol.
It is only leeching.
Thanks. I didn’t realize syslog would help. Just configured it to send to my grafana/loki server. Not sure if it’s really helping, but seems like maybe it’s a bit faster. I’ve long since done everything listed here and more, but in the last couple months my nextcloud has seemed a bit sluggish for some reason.
Already does what? I’ve been using these scripts for a long time. The biggest feature for the lidarr one is it downloads the songs from sources that aren’t torrents or Usenet, namely deezer or tidal. These scripts do a lot of additional things as well, if desired. Its all in the git.
I made a pressure sensor for my bed with an ESP board, some tinfoil, foam, and cut up Ethernet cord. Here it is talked about on HomeAssistant forums.
If you go this route make sure to read all the comments in this thread. Original uses paper, I used some foam to make the distance between the tinfoil larger. There is also a comment around the 150 comment mark that has some extra settings to put in ESP home regarding voltage. They made a massive difference in false positives, which you really don’t want if you are relying on this for keeping the lights off while you sleep.
Not sure exactly sure how it all works. I’ve never needed to open ports for qbittorrent for downloading or seeding, I imagine it’s the same principal. I 100% don’t have any ports open and can see people actively downloading my music in slskd, confirmed even more by the thank you messages I receive for sharing.