• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’m gonna chime in here. My wife asks me this a lot because she too has trouble going to and staying asleep. I however have some kind of sleep superpower. I can be asleep within 2 minutes after going horizontal.

    I’ve always done this: start building a scene in your head. Any scene. Action, nature, whatever. Now picture yourself there in first person. Focus on the details. Make sure the trees have leaves. The pavement has lines and cracks and texture. Imagine feeling the wind on your body. From grass to cars to sky paint as detailed a picture as you can. Begin to form a story. Walk around and interact with things, people, animals. Maybe you have a storyline. As a boy I had an action sequence I would play out every night. Cuz you know. Boys. But as I got older those turned into hikes in fun places. Or keeping company with my current crush. Or a fun road trip…You get the idea.

    I promise not long after you begin you will naturally begin to drift off. At least this is what has always come naturally to me.

    Good luck and sweet dreams!!!

  • Sounds dumb but I watch my backyard ecosystem a lot. Like a LOT. I smoke on the back porch so like I say. A lot. I’ve carefully cultivated this nice little nature preserve and have watched the birds raise families. All families that return year after year and grow their own families. I recognize them and know their patterns and that’s helped me to feed them and their young at the times needed and in a way that minimizes their vulnerabilities. Same with squirrels, possums, etc.

    It hurts when you see one of your babies fall prey to something bad. Hawk, neighborhood cats, nature, and worse, humans.

    But I began to recognize that’s the price I have to pay to be involved. Realistically I shouldn’t be involved and in an ideal world humans would leave all animals be, but I live in suburbia and animals are sometimes dependent on us here.

    But being involved is a precious thing and sometimes it just hurts. Remember that you’re likely right about the kitty falling prey to another animal. But don’t fault that animal as they are simply doing what they know. Just be ultimately grateful that nature recognized you as a safe person/safe place and that’s a pretty awesome thing. Let that thought lift you up when the dark underbelly of nature shows itself.