Between basic storage being so much larger than it used to be (the 4-8GB days were brutal) and USB-C flash drives that can plug into your charging port, I seldom miss them these days
Still sucks that they removed them as an option though
Between basic storage being so much larger than it used to be (the 4-8GB days were brutal) and USB-C flash drives that can plug into your charging port, I seldom miss them these days
Still sucks that they removed them as an option though
Absolutely not, but I wouldn’t mind a primary
It’s not so much hiding as glazing over. The fact that anyone would argue that the civil war was about ‘states rights’ should tell you how poorly we recall our history
I’ll never forget reading a textbook in high-school that acknowledged the genocide of the Native Americans before quickly moving on to talk about how stately and wise the people who killed them were
deleted by creator
Anyone else really worried about the silent hill 2 remake?
My heart sank when I saw bloober team was making it. It’s not that they’re a terrible studio or anything, it’s just that their past works have lacked subtlety and complexity, two things you really need in a (good) silent hill game
I will drug and booze myself happy. Just because it’s never worked before doesn’t mean it won’t work this time
I get your concern, I was extremely worried my first time. It’s a lot easier than you might expect though
Still, it’s your money and your comfort. If it’s worth the extra money for a pre-built to save you peace of mind, by all means do as you will
After building a PC for the first time a few years ago, I’ll never buy a pre-built desktop again (low or high end)
The amount of corners they cut and terrible design decisions they make just so you can’t reuse the parts elsewhere are not only criminal from a consumer perspective, but an environmental one as well
Wow that sucks. Pcpartpicker has 3060 ti’s ~$370 now
I think you may be trivializing a pretty complex subject a bit too much
There is a major difference between our coloqual addictions (sugar, caffeine, our phones) and a substance use disorder. It’s worth talking about where on that spectrum marijuana lies
For my part, I suspect that marijuana is much closer to the former than the latter.
I’ve worked with a lot of people in recovery over the years, and while some ex-stoners will tell you how hard it was for them to quit, anyone with a real habit will tell you quitting weed isn’t anywhere near the same level as opiates, benzos, amphetamines, alcohol, or even nicotine